Page 139 of Thor & Dragon

Once I’m steady on my feet, Phoenix steps aside and a paramedic is in my face, guiding me to a gurney.

“Where are you hurt?”

“Help my fiancée first. She’s unconscious and pregnant.”

“She’s already being helped, sir, and I heard one of your friends say she’s pregnant, so the paramedics treating her know. Now, where are you hurt?”

“My left shoulder hurts worse than it did when we left the hospital. I was shot yesterday. So was my brother, Dragon, who’s in the backseat.”

“Fuck, that’s a definite rough couple of days,” the guy says and I grunt in agreement. Rough as fuck, that’s for damned sure. He cuts up the sleeve that I gestured to and looks at the stitches.

“Well, at least you didn’t pop a stitch, so that’s a plus. None of the lacerations I can see need stitches and you aren’t bleeding anywhere else. Anything feel broken?”

“No, just sore as fuck and I have a headache.”

His hands feel around my head and I wince when I feel pain at my temple.

“You’ve got a decent-sized goose egg but no lacerations to your head that I can see. Now follow my light with your eyes, don’t move your head.”

My eyes follow his flashlight even though my entire body vibrates with a need to check on Wildcat.

“You don’t appear to have a concussion. Let’s check your other vitals.”

While he’s doing that, I’m finally able to look around. It appears someone hit Colt’s SUV but both he and Ethan appear to be unharmed. There are a couple of bikes on the ground. I think they’re part of Reaper’s crew because I don’t recognize them.

“Beast and Punisher have minimal road rash, but otherwise, they’re okay. It appears that once again, you guys were targeted,” Phoenix says as Devil, Reaper’s VP approaches me.

“Since you guys were still being checked out and since he was with her, Reaper rode with your Old Lady to the hospital. He said he’ll text when he has an update.”

I turn and curse when I see an ambulance speeding away. “Fuck. Do I need to get checked out at the hospital or can I go check on my fiancée?”

Dragon comes over, limping slightly, followed by Patch.

“You really should go in to get checked out—” he starts to say when I interrupt him.

“But are we required to?”

“I’m actually an ER nurse,” Patch says as he shows the paramedic his badge. “How about I’ll stay with them and if any of us show any signs that we need to come in, we will. I can have another ER nurse friend be with us, too, in case I start to show symptoms. Will you let us go then?”

The paramedic nods reluctantly. “Yes, you’re free to go, but make sure you get in to see someone as soon as something pops up or if new injuries present themselves.”

“Thank you,” I say, ripping off the blood pressure cuff.

As we walk, or I should say limp, back over to the truck. Timber’s holding the duffle bag that was on the floorboard by me. It’s torn up a bit, but still in one piece.

“I called Smoke, and he’s already getting into the cameras for evidence. Drae and Judge are coming with SUVs since Colt is still talking to the police about his SUV and yours is totaled. A cop already talked to me, and I mentioned your fiancée was headed to the hospital. Once you guys give your statements, we’ll be able to leave,” Timber says.

“Then let’s go give our statements,” I bite out. Fuck, I really need to get to the hospital and check on Wildcat.

Twenty fucking minutes later, we all pile into the SUV’s when my phone rings.

“Whatcha got, Smoke?”

“The ambulance carrying Levi and Reaper never made it to the hospital.”

“What?” I roar.

“They pulled into a parking garage, but it never left. I’m tracing the other vehicles I saw leave now to try to figure out where they went. Get back to the compound.”