Page 138 of Thor & Dragon

“Good, if he’s there, he can take a look at it and determine if you are indeed fighting an infection. Do you have any other questions?”

Seeing us all shake our heads, he claps his hands together. “In that case, I’ll get out of your hair and I hope you have a smooth recovery.”

After he leaves, Wildcat picks up her purse and Alexei grabs our bags. As we’re leaving our room, we see that the doctor is in talking to Ethan, so we wait a few minutes for him to finish.

“Thank fuck we can get out of here finally,” he mutters as he leaves his room.

“Completely fucking agree,” Dragon replies.

“Language, there are children in the hallway,” Wildcat hisses.

“Sorry, Mom,” Ethan says teasingly. Her hand snaps out quick as lightning, smacking him up alongside the back of his head.

“Ouch, Levi. Quit hitting the invalid,” he says, laughing.

“Don’t make me go Grandma Mills on your butt.”

We’re all laughing when he immediately straightens up and looks around nervously.

“That’s not funny, Levi. Grandma is fu—flipping scary on a good day.”

Minutes later, we load into the vehicles, Levi riding shotgun, Dragon and I in the back with Patch driving. I reach forward and squeeze Levi’s shoulder. I can see from the side mirror that she’s chewing on her lip nervously while looking around like a hawk.

“We’ll be home soon, Wildcat.”

She doesn’t answer except for a hum as Patch backs out into the street and waits a few moments for the group that’ll go in front of us before he starts to drive.

Luckily, there aren’t very many turns between here and the compound, but there are a lot of traffic lights. We have a group in front of and behind our truck and the same with Colt’s SUV in case we do get separated by the lights. I just hope it’s not by much. We’re better protected the closer we are together.

We’re most of the way home when Levi screams as she grabs the oh shit bar. “Floor it and brace! From the left!”

Patch quickly glances left as the truck revs, but we aren’t quick enough. A red truck runs into the back of the truck on Dragon’s side. The truck lurches again when someone else hits the front end of the truck. We must hit something else cause the truck lurches yet again and then we’re rolling.

When we finally stop, we’re hanging upside down.

“Wildcat! Are you alright? Wildcat! Dragon! Patch!”

Two male groans answer me, but nothing from her. My vision is blurry, and it takes me a bit before I realize my Wildcat isn’t moving. Shit! Please let her be alive!

“Spitfire! Babe, answer us.”

“Shit. Let me get unbuckled and I’ll help get her down,” Patch says.

Someone tries opening my door but they can’t. A face appears in the busted window and it takes me a moment before I realize it’s Reaper. “Help Levi.” He nods and then he’s gone, quickly replaced with Phoenix.

“She’s alive but unconscious, with cuts on her forehead and arms,” Patch yells.

“Thank fuck!” both Dragon and I say.

“First off, anything in pain besides your fucking shoulder?” Phoenix asks me.

“Think my head hit the window and a few cuts from the glass. Other than that, just my shoulder and it’s worse than before, but I don’t see any blood so far.”

“Alright, let’s see if we can get you out of here.”

It takes a bit of maneuvering since I feel like I’ve been hit by a freight train and I can’t support much weight with my shoulder fucked up.

After a ridiculous amount of time, I’m finally able to crawl out my window after Phoenix busts off the glass shards.