Page 140 of Thor & Dragon

He hangs up, and it takes everything in me not to throw my phone.

“What happened?” Phoenix asks, his voice deadly.

“The ambulance didn’t go to the hospital. Get back to the compound. Hopefully, Smoke will have more information when we get there.”

Dragon roars and kicks a piece of debris.

Fuck, please my Wildcat be alive.

Fuck, my entire body feels like I’ve been run over. I try to open my eyes, but that just makes my head pound worse. Something trickles down my face and I move to wipe it away when I realize I’m restrained.

Fear instantly fills my veins before I try to push it down. Freaking out won’t help me at all right now.

Slowing my breathing, I keep my eyes closed and listen. There’s some shuffling nearby and in the distance, I can hear a woman screaming.

“Levi, you awake? No one’s in here, but someone is outside the door. I think. Whisper if you can hear me.”

“Reaper, is that you? I’m awake, but my head hurts like a son of a bitch. It hurts to open my eyes.”

“Yeah, it’s me Half-pint. The glass cut you pretty bad on your forehead and you’ve got a nasty bump. Does anything else hurt?”

“I think it’s just pain from being tossed around. Did they do anything else to me while I was out? And I’m not that short!” I whisper yell.

He chuckles softly. “Glad to see you still have your sass. Can’t speak for when I was knocked out, but since I’ve come to, no, they haven’t. They gave you something in the ambulance, but I didn’t think anything of it till they stuck me with something. I’ve been awake for a while now. It’s either near dusk or near dawn from the little I can see through the gaps in the boards covering the windows. They must not have given me enough to keep someone as big as me out long enough.”

I chuckle at that since Reaper is a big man, not as big as Uncle Bear as he’s about half a head taller than Reaper. I wince when pain shoots up my ribs and then again when I gasp for breath.

“My ribs might be bruised. Laughing hurts and it hurts to breathe deep.”

He curses. “I’m sorry I failed you, Half-pint.”

I start to shake my head and then stop when I get light-headed. “It’s not your fault, Andre. The fault’s with whoever took us, which is most likely Fang, my uncle Sean, Travis, or all the above.”


“Yeah, if you’re gonna call me Half-pint, then I’m calling you Andre. Like that wrestler, Andre the Giant. He also played Fezzik, in The Princess Bride.”

He chuckles and shakes his head, but doesn’t comment. I slowly blink and this time, the pain doesn’t shoot straight through my skull. Slowly, I raise my head and look around.

We’re in some sort of dilapidated cabin, and the windows are boarded up. A single light bulb hangs above us. Memories assault me, but it can’t be the same cabin from when I was almost sixteen. I watched as Dad and Uncle Bear torched the place.

Turning, I see Reaper to my left, who’s also tied up. Fuck, I wish I had just sent them the bracelets instead of waiting till this weekend to give them to him and his crew. However, whoever tied him up is an idiot because the rope used around his ankles isn’t over the crossbar support. It’s under it and he’s already trying to lower it.

Glancing down, I notice rope around my ankles too, but it’s not that tight, and it’s also under the crossbar support. I can actually wiggle my ankles a little and I keep that up as I feel around for my bracelets.

“Levi, they didn’t take your bracelets. You should still have them on.”

I pause at that and my head whips toward him, which I instantly regret when pain lances through my skull for moving so fast.

“How do you know about them?”

“Because yesterday, Phoenix gave us ours when he got back from the hospital. Can’t thank you enough right now.”

“How far through are you?”

“Almost halfway, but I’m tied up more than you are.”

I look down at his hands and from what I can see, he’s got four lengths of rope leading up his wrists, but at least they look like single layers for the most part. I spread my fingers and try to feel how deep and high the ropes are, and I breathe a sigh of relief when I only feel a couple single layers that are similar to the times when Sasha and I tied each other up and practiced how to get out of them. I send up a silent prayer, hoping that this goes easily.