“Or they do, but they’re all either lost or lying to each other in hopes of getting there first.”
“Maybe they make racecar sounds on the way,” Irwin laughed.
All the tension in my shoulders was gone now. If I was pregnant, it was a good thing. A really good thing. Our little family was growing and soon Faran would have a little sibling and Norbert would have another cousin.
“The potatoes didn’t survive,” Marcus announced from the doorway. “And Dara’s almost here. So, I have to say this quickly.”
We blinked up at him wondering what secret he was trying to keep from the doctor.
“Are multiples when sperm decide to team up for a better chance of winning?” He grinned from the doorway.
Dara arrived to all of us laughing and stuffed into the bathroom.
“I’m always glad to see a patient in high spirits, but I’ve never met someone who thought pregnancy sickness was funny,” Dara announced in lieu of hello.
“Hey, Dara,” Marcus said, turning to shake his hand.
Of course, after the shake Dara pulled him in for a hug.
“You guys from the Sanctuary are keeping me in business,” Dara said and winked at me and Irwin over Marcus’s shoulder.
“We do our best to support local businesses,” Marcus chuckled.
“Good the gummies have already been issued,” Dara glanced from Irwin to me and then to the bottle sitting on the edge of the tub. “Hmmmm….”
“What are you hmmmm about, Dara?” Irwin asked.
“Let’s test both of you,” Dara said.
“What?” Irwin blinked.
“It couldn’t hurt anything,” Marcus said before the doctor had a chance to answer.
“Do I look pregnant?” Irwin asked, pushing himself upright to look into the mirror.
“Just call it intuition or a just in case, if you prefer,” Dara said. “Unless you object. No one’s going to hold you down and make you urinate into a specimen cup, Irwin.”
“Kinky, doctor,” Irwin laughed.
“I think that would be more terrifying than kinky,” Dara chuckled. “I’ll give you folks some privacy.”
Chapter Forty-Two
I knew from experience just how long the small eternity of waiting for a pregnancy test result was. Waiting for both of ours seemed to take, not one small eternity, or even two. I was positive it took five small eternities for the timers to go off and then when the timers sounded, only seconds apart, I couldn’t look at the tests. I squeezed my eyes shut ready for disappointment. If I wasn’t pregnant yet, I’d be okay. If Fen wasn’t pregnant, I didn’t want to see the disappointment dancing through his eyes. I wanted to keep everything negative from him. I wanted to wrap my arms around us and lock us in this moment of anticipation forever. At least here, we were happy.
Fen’s wolf let out a howl that cut across our mating link.
“It looks like we both need to see a doctor,” Fen said, sliding his arm around my waist.
“Huh?” I opened my eyes and glanced down at the tests sitting on the bathroom sink.
My heart leapt into my chest and my wolf’s tail started to wag. Two pixelated babies, wrapped up all warm and cozy in their yellow blankets, stared back up at me. I made a mental note to tell Liam I thought Dara might have some psychic in him at our next witch group meeting. I didn’t have time to share that thought before Fen’s lips found mine. He kissed me long and hard, his free hand reaching out for Marcus to pull him into our little gathering.
Dara waited in the hall patiently for our little three-way make out session to end. I knew he was waiting and that it was rude to keep the doctor waiting, but it was almost impossible to pull my lips away from one of my guys without wanting to kiss the other again.
“Okay!” Marcus laughed breathlessly, stepping back from us. “Let’s see what the doctor says and then we’ll celebrate properly, okay?”