“Okay,” I said, but still stole one more last kiss from Fen before he said okay.

My fingers trembled as we joined Dara in the hallway.

“Congratulations. I heard the celebration from out here,” he flashed us a knowing grin.

“When can we get our ultrasounds?” Fen asked, not embarrassed about whatever Dara heard of our making out.

“Right now, if you want,” Dara said, gesturing down the hallway.

“Did you bring the portable?” I asked. “That would be really psychic of you.”

“Unfortunately, I am not that blessed in guesstimating when my patients conceived and will begin to show symptoms. Maybe one day, with enough practice,” Dara chuckled. “But the clinic is better for well omega and baby exams anyway.”

“Let me get my shoes,” Fen said and sprinted down the hallway.

“How are you feeling, Alpha?” I asked as Dara followed after him.

“Amazed,” he grinned.

“Good amazed?” I asked, turning to face him, and taking his hands in mine.

“Excellent amazed, sweetheart,” his smile broadened. “I know logistically how we did it, but I didn’t think the timing would be so close.”

“It wouldn’t have if Dara hadn’t brought a second test,” I laughed. “I wouldn’t have known for I don’t know how long.”

“I might’ve expected it after a little push from someone earlier,” Marcus said and flashed me a sheepish smile.

“My little crying fit?” I arched a brow and Marcus nodded.

“Yeah. I wasn’t sure, though,” he said and squeezed my hands. “You work with tough material.”

“I do and don’t worry. I know the drill. If it gets to be too hard to work with, I break while I’m pregnant. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

“Or if it gets too hard for Fen to think about,” Marcus added.

“I hadn’t considered that,” I frowned at my lack of foresight.

“Don’t make that face. You were caught up in the moment,” he said.

“So are you.”

“Yes, but evolutionarily speaking, I consider it my job to plan for the future.”

“Is that evolution or your sire’s voice whispering in your ear all your life?” I teased him.

“Is there a difference?” He laughed and pulled me in to steal a kiss.

“Mates! Are you coming?” Fen howled from the front of the house.

“Come on. Let’s go see our babies,” Marcus smiled and stole one more kiss before we let go of each other.

Chapter Forty-Three


My heart hammered in my chest all the way to the clinic. I walked between Fen and Irwin, holding each of their hands in mine. My fox leapt around his inner sanctum howling at the moon that wasn’t even out yet. Logically, I knew what came next – every step of the way. Still, two new kids would be a big change.

“Quit mentally flipping through your calendar, Alpha,” Irwin laughed. “We don’t even know what timelines we’re on yet.”