“What?” I blinked. I must’ve missed something. “What are they for, I mean.”
“Morning sickness, but I think they’ll work for evening sickness too,” he said, squatting down, and placing a few of the orange gummies into my hand.
“What?” I asked again.
“Pup. A pup. Pups you twit!”My wolf sounded off in my thoughts.
“Be nice to him,” Irwin said aloud to my wolf.
“Oh,” I blinked and looked down at my stomach.
I hadn’t forgotten we were trying. Every day I looked at my stomach in the mirror and tried to find proof that I conceived a baby. Had I forgotten about morning sickness? Of all the things to forget about it was the last one I expected to actually not watch for.
“It’s alright,” Marcus said, sitting on the edge of the tub as he wiped my mouth with a soft, warm cloth. “If you are pregnant, you won’t be the first person to think you’re ill instead of pregnant.”
“Pregnant,” I murmured the word, trying it on for size.
I might’ve howled if I trusted my stomach not to do another round of acrobatics.
“I texted Dara. He said he’d be here soon. I left the back door unlocked for him,” Irwin said sitting down on my other side.
“Can I get another of those gummies?” I asked him.
“Sure. They should kick in soon.”
I nodded as I spun another one of the gummies across my tongue. The happiness was creeping in starting with a tingle in my toes.
“I might be pregnant,” I said aloud.
Marcus opened his mouth to answer but only high-pitched beeps echoed off his lips as if he was a robot having a glitch.
“Shit! The smoke alarm!” Irwin swore.
“The potatoes!” I started to get up, but Marcus beat me to it.
“It’s alright. We’ll toss the burnt ones on the compost pile. Just think of it as a gift for Eston’s farming,” Irwin said, trying to make me laugh.
“I want to laugh, but don’t think I should,” I said, resting my cheek against his shoulder as the smoke alarm serenaded us.
A few seconds later, it stopped, and we heard the back door open. I wasn’t sure if Dara was here or if Marcus tossed the whole cast iron skillet into the back yard.
“He wouldn’t do that to a cast iron skillet. His carrier would eat him,” Irwin laughed, picking up my thoughts over the mating link.
“Shit! Shouldn’t we get Faran? Why isn’t he crying?” I started to stand up.
“He’s with Shepard. I called him once you headed to the bathroom. I figured it was pregnancy sickness and we’d need some time to celebrate and help you feel better,” Irwin grinned.
“You’re not mad, if I am?” I asked and bit my lip.
“Why would I be mad? This is great! We wanted this. You still want this, right?” He asked, sliding to sit in front of me, so it was easier to look at each other.
“Yes! I’m trying not to be too excited, yet, but yes! Only I know we’re both trying and ---”
“Stop,” Irwin laughed. “We’re not in a contest to see who can get knocked up first. We don’t really have much control over that. We don’t control our reproductive cycles or Marcus’s sperms’ sense of direction or anyone’s sperms’ sense of direction.”
I couldn’t help it. I held my stomach and laughed.
“And I bet they don’t stop and ask for directions either,” Irwin said, laughing now too.