Leo had just come out of his office, and she was done with her shift. Well, she had been done for fifteen minutes. Monty had talked to her for a little while. Then someone told her that Leo was in her Daddy's office.

She knew she could enter his office if people were in there, but she wanted to be respectful. What if Leo didn't want her to hear what he had to say? She didn't want to be in there just because her Daddy said so and not pay attention to the other person's needs.

"Come here," he said as he patted his lap.

Sofia loved that he allowed her to sit in his lap a lot. She loved the feeling of having his arms wrapped around her, but she also loved feeling his chest to her back. It made her feel connected to him in a way. It was stupid how she felt, but she loved it and that was all that mattered to her at that point.

"Little one," Daddy said. "I'm not going to ask again."

She rolled her eyes and walked towards him. He hadn't asked the first or second time, but she wasn't going to tell him that. That was one way for her bottom to get spanked and she didn'tneed that. Not when her bottom was still a little sore from the previous spanking.

"Good girl," he said and she shivered.

Her insides melted each time her called her good girl or his good girl. It was hard not to and she didn't think she was ever going to lose the feeling.

"How was your shift?" he asked. "Uneventful?"

"Yes, Daddy. No rude customers and Monty was with me the whole time."


She had begged him to still allow her to work. He didn't like the idea, especially since she got the threatening note here. But she said she would get bored if she just sat in his office and said there were several people who could help her if she was working. Dominic, Lucas, and Pete no doubt would have an eye on her any time she worked. She knew there were other Doms in the club, owners and members, who always had an eye on people.

It was comforting and didn't take long for her to persuade her Daddy to let her work.

"I wanted to tell you something," Daddy said.

But before he could say anything, two people walked into his office, people she had never seen before.

"Ah," Daddy said. "You must be Ezra and Antonio."

She looked at her Daddy, waiting for him to explain who they were. She had heard about an Ezra from Monroe, but she never said who he was, and he didn't stay long. Well, that was before Sofia was in the United States, but Monroe had told her about it one night when she was working.

"Nice to meet you Jaxson," said the guy on the right.

Who were these people? Sofia had no clue her Daddy was about to meet someone. If she did, she would've stayed outside with Monty and not come upstairs.

"I can leave, Daddy," she whispered. "I'll go hang out with Monty."

"Stay right there, Little one," Daddy said. "I want you to meet Ezra and Antonio."

Why did he want her to meet them? What was so important about them?

"Ezra is the man on the right. He's your bodyguard until we find the person who is threatening you," Daddy said. "Antonio is on the left and he's a computer genius who is looking into the security to see if he can figure out who the person is."

She stared at her Daddy for a couple of seconds before she looked over at the men. She had a bodyguard now? Was that absolutely necessary?

Her eyes went wide as she stared at them. Did they know that Jaxson was her Daddy? Did they know about the lifestyle? Should she have called Daddy by his name? What if she messed up?

Sofia hadn't even thought about them not knowing about their dynamic. Would they find her weird? Was Daddy going to have to find new guards for her?

"Don't worry, Little one," Daddy said. "They know about us. In fact they are also Daddy Doms."

Her eyes went even more wide as she stared at them. They were also Daddy Doms? That was cool but at the same time nerve-wracking. She was going to have another Daddy Dom as a bodyguard until the threat was gone? She knew that she wouldn't call him Daddy, but that didn't mean his Daddy side wasn't going to come out if she did something wrong.

"I know it's hard to believe, all these Daddy Doms around you, but it's true. So you don't have to be worried about calling me Daddy in front of them," Daddy said. "Understood?"

She nodded her head but still stared at them. She understood that she needed a bodyguard, but if she stayed with her Daddy then she didn't need him, right?