That was fine with him. He had made sure before he started to feed her that he was comfortable because he didn't know how long they were going to sit there.

"Such a good girl," he whispered and kissed the top of her head.

Sofia gripped onto his shirt and his heart strings got tugged on. She was so cute and precious.



Two days had passed since Daddy found Sofia in her apartment and took her to his house. Two days since he told Sofia that she had hit sub drop.

Sofia had heard about sub drop but didn't know the symptoms or what could bring it on. Not until she had experienced it herself and she never wanted to do that again.

Daddy had told her he was going to keep an extra careful eye on her the next several days and she honestly didn't mind. It was weird, but she also didn't want to experience that again and if that meant him watching her closely, then that was it.

He had made sure to ask her several times throughout the day if she was alright and how she was feeling. He could tell when she was lying, so she had been honest whenever he asked. It also didn't benefit her to lie to him in this situation. Not that any lying she did to him benefited her.

They were currently walking up to her apartment. Daddy told her she wasn't going to live here anymore because it wasn't in the safe part of town. She understood, but at the same time, she told him she didn't want to get rid of it just yet. What if they didn't work out, and she didn't have an apartment to go back to?

So they had compromised, and he told her he was going to pay for one more month of rent. At the end of that, if they were still together, which he claimed they would be, she would move all of her stuff into his house. She figured they would be because she loved being around him and him being her Daddy, but she just wanted to be safe.

Everything was new and what if he figured out he didn't want her anymore?

"Where is your key, Little one?" he asked.

Sofia handed him the key, and he unlocked the door. Not that it did much because she didn't have a deadbolt so anyone could get in if they really wanted to.

"We're going to talk about how you didn't lock the door the other day when I came over," Daddy said. "When we get home."

She had thought she locked it when she got home, but apparently she didn't. Sofia knew either way she was going to get a lecture about it. She couldn't blame Daddy for wanting to give her one, but he also had to know that it being locked may not have helped keep a person out at all. She was pretty sure if someone ran into the door with their shoulder, they would open it.

She hadn't really liked that about the apartment, but she couldn't complain because it was what she could afford, which wasn't a lot. Even if someone broke into her apartment, they wouldn't find much at all because she didn't have a lot. There was nothing valuable in her apartment.

"Come on, Little one," Daddy said as he held the door open for her.

Sofia spotted something on the ground behind the door. What could that be? She bent down to pick it up and saw U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Her eyes went wide, and she quickly stuffed it in her pants and put her shirt over it.

She had no clue what it was about, but she didn't want Daddy to see it. What if they were trying to deport her? She hadn't had time to fill out the application to get her Green Card yet. Sofia hadn't saved enough money up for that yet. She hadn't thought it would be so expensive, but it was and she was trying to save up for it.

There were several things she was trying to save up for and she didn't know which one was more important. Her Green Card or a new apartment in a better location.

"Sofia?" Daddy asked. "What's wrong? What was that on the ground?"

She turned around and gave him a smile, trying to hide her panic welling up inside of her. "It was just a bill I have to pay, Daddy."

Daddy held out his hand. "Give it to Daddy and he'll take care of it."

She stared at him, blinking several times before she shook her head. She had lied to him about it, and she knew it was wrong, but she didn't want him to worry about it. He was always worrying about her, and she didn't want him to do that anymore.

"No," she softly said. "You don't need to do that. It's my bill and not yours."

"But you're mine," he said. "I want to take care of you. Let me take care of you."

Before she could stop herself, she continued to lie. "It's something feminine and I would really like to just take care of it myself."

Sofia closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. She didn't enjoy lying to him. It made her feel guilty every time, but she couldn’t stop. She knew Daddy would do anything to help her, and she wanted to be a little independent.

“Nothing comes between us,” he said. “There aren’t any secrets.”