Guilt continued to build up inside of her. She had several secrets he didn’t know about. What if when he found out all of them, he didn’t want her anymore? She didn’t know how he was going to react, and Sofia didn’t want to lose him.
That would devastate her.
“I don’t know,” she whispered, feeling bad about everything now.
“Don’t know about what?”
“About having no secrets. It’s something I’ll have to get used to, telling you everything.”
“We obviously have to build up trust. I know you may not be able to tell me everything now, but soon we won’t be keeping things from each other.”
She nodded her head. Maybe in several months she would get to that point with him. She hoped she would.
“I do hope you tell me sometime soon what the bill is,” he softly said. “Do I need to be worried?”
“No,” she whispered, not looking into his eyes. She didn’t know if she needed to be worried or not, but she hoped she wouldn’t.
“Alright,” he said. “If it changes you let me know.”
“Okay, Daddy.”
“Let’s go pack up some of your stuff.”
He grabbed her hand and led her into her room. She didn’t have a lot to pack up in her apartment because she didn’t own a lot. So it didn’t take them long to put her few clothes into a bag she had and head out the door.
Daddy had mentioned that he would just buy her all new things, but she didn’t want that. She couldn’t let him do that. That would have been a lot of money, and she knew he had money, but she didn’t want him to spend it on her.
He didn’t like that and said at some point he was going to buy things for her if she liked it or not. She huffed and was silent the rest of the drive to her apartment.
“Ready to go home?” Daddy asked.
“Yes,” she whispered.
It didn’t take them long to get back to his house.
“I’ve gots to pee,” she hurriedly said.
She really didn’t but she wanted to read what the letter said. The anticipation was killing her, and she didn’t know how much longer she could last.
“Okay, Little one,” he said. “I’ll start unpacking your clothes.”
She nodded her head and dashed towards the bathroom.
“No running!” Daddy yelled. “You know the rules.”
Sofia slowed down and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it. She pulled the envelope out of her pants and opened it.
Tears started to stream down her face as she read the words.
Sofia continued to look at the letter, reading over the words again and again. She couldn’t believe what she was reading. She had thought she had several more months until she had to reapply for her work visa.
But she was wrong.
So wrong.