The letter said it would expire in the next month and a half and she needed to reply or else she would be deported. Sofia didn’t want that, and she knew if she got deported, it would be harder for her to get her Green Card in the end.

How was she going to come up with the money to renew her work visa? Sofia felt like she was drowning, at this point, because she didn’t know what to do. How much longer would she be able to hold her head barely above water?

The only thing Sofia felt right now was being scared and overwhelmed. There were so many things she needed to do and get into order to be able to renew her work visa. Did she have enough money? Would Monty be able to lend her some if she didn’t?

Sofia didn’t want to leave the country. She had just started to love it here and she didn’t want to leave. She was starting to make friends and she had a Daddy right now.

Things she didn’t think she would have but she did.

She finally did.

And she didn’t want to give that up. Even though she lived in a bad part of town, she loved her work and the people she got to hang out with. She had made friends with some other Littles and loved every bit of it. They were planning on having another playdate soon and she was excited for it.

Maybe at some point she could have a sleepover with some of them. Would they want that? Sofia had never been to a sleepover, but she so badly wanted to host one or go to one.

“Sofia?” Daddy said as he knocked on the door. “Are you okay?”

She looked at herself in the mirror and cringed when she saw how red her face was. Sofia was not a pretty crier and her face always got bright red.

“I’m almost done,” she said. “Gots to wash my hands.”

Sofia flushed the toilet and turned on the water. She carefully splashed some cold water on her face to get rid of some of the red, but it didn’t do much. She would just have to keep her head down.

She opened the door, keeping her head down, and stepped out.

“Little one?” Daddy asked.

She continued to look down at her feet, not wanting him to see her red, splotchy, face.

“Can you look at Daddy?” he asked and she shook her head. “What’s wrong?”

Sofia burst into tears. She quickly felt her Daddy wrap his arms around her and pick her up. He held her close as she continued to sob into his arms.

She could feel him starting to walk and before she knew it, he was sitting down and just held her. Sofia continued to cry in his arms, letting all her emotions out.

“Can you tell Daddy what’s wrong?” he asked as he pulled away.

Sofia looked at him, tears still streaming down her face. She snuffled several times as she tried to think about what to say. She so badly wanted to tell him that she needed to fill the form out again, but she didn’t know how.

How would he react to it? How would she tell him that? Would he be disappointed in her?

“Sofia,” he softly said, cupping her face with his hand. “Are you alright?”

She shook her head and sucked in a breath. She was going to start sobbing again and she had just stopped.

“Can you tell Daddy?” he asked.

“C-can I t-tell you in a c-couple of days?” she stuttered her way through.

Maybe, in a couple of days, she could wrap her head around everything while also figuring out how to tell him. That was if he remembered she needed to tell him something. Part of her hoped he would forget all about it.

Daddy sighed and rubbed his thumb across her cheek.

“I don’t like it,” he said, and she held her breath.

Was he not going to let her do it? She didn’t know if she could tell him right now.

“But this once, I’ll allow it. I really don’t like it,” he said. “If I see in the next day that it’s hurting you more, then you will tell me. No arguments. Understood?”