"The bad people wanted to rule over the Littles and make them all miserable. They didn't want them to thrive, but they wanted the Littles to suffer," Daddy said. "But Miss Rosemary wouldn't allow that."

She let out a sigh of contentment and fell asleep.



The next morning wasn't any different from last night. Daddy had insisted on taking care of her from when she woke up. It was a sweet gesture, but she wasn't used to it at all and she felt like she was just mooching off of him.

Who wanted to be a moocher?

Maybe somebody in the world wanted to be, but Sofia didn't. She had worked so hard in her life and now it felt weird to let someone take care of her. Yes, it had been her dream to have a Daddy who would take care of her, but she was also an independent person. It was still uncomfortable getting used to another person being this involved in her life.

"Little one?" Daddy asked. "Are you okay?"

She blinked and looked at her Daddy. He was currently making French toast for her and she was super excited. That was another thing she hadn't had in a while and she couldn't wait to eat it.

"Sofia," he said.

"Sorry, Daddy," she softly said. "What did you say?"

"Are you okay?"

She nodded her head. She was okay, well for the most part. Her face had started hurting a little, and she was just waiting for the medicine to kick in but Daddy already knew that. That was one of the first questions he had asked her when she woke up. Well, when he woke her up.

Daddy had let her sleep in until ten in the morning. It was kind of weird to wake up that late, but Sofia wasn't complaining today. She had been exhausted and knew she needed sleep. If she had been back at her apartment, she probably would've slept in as well.

"What's on your mind, Little one?" he asked.

She sighed and watched him make her breakfast. He was currently cutting up the French toast before putting syrup on it.

"I need to go to work," she whispered, afraid of what he was going to say.

He had mentioned she wasn't going to work yesterday, but she didn't know if he was being serious or not. She wasn't hurt that bad, and she knew she could work, but she didn't know if he would allow her to work. He was her Daddy, but he was also her boss.

Daddy placed her plate in front of her and gripped her chin with his fingers. "You aren't going into work for a couple of days."

She pouted, and worry started to churn in her stomach. How was she going to pay for her rent? How was she going to feed herself? There were so many questions and she didn't know how to ask or answer them.

"What's worrying you?" Daddy asked. "Is it money?"

She shyly nodded her head when he let go of her chin.

"Little one," he said. "You remember I talked about sick days and PTO?"

"Yes," she whispered.

"We give employees plenty of PTO and sick days in case things happen. Littles get sick very often and we know it can be hard. Granted, we don't like people just taking them to take them. When they genuinely have a sickness for sick days and PTO, if you ask us far enough in advance, we give it to you," he said. "When emergencies happen, we normally always let the person take the time off."

"Okay?" She honestly didn't know where he was going with that. She wasn't sick, and she didn't have an emergency.

"You're taking a couple days off and using sick days."

She continued to stare at him in confusion. Was he able to do that?

"I know you aren't sick, but you are hurt, and that falls under sick days. You have a bruised face and I have no doubt you have other bruises on your body," Daddy said. "I want you healed before you go back to work so you aren't in any pain. We don't know if you broke anything in your face or anywhere else. Do you have a high pain tolerance?"

She guessed she did have a high pain tolerance. Most of the time she had to ignore the pain because she needed the money. No one else was working to earn the money for her. It was all her and she couldn't rely on anyone else.