"Oh Little one," he softly said as he knelt to the ground. He grabbed her face with his hands. "It's going to be okay."
"N-no," she stuttered. "No sleeps."
Trixie was going to be so scared tonight sleeping all alone in her apartment. They hadn't parted ways since she bought the stuffed animal and that was years ago.
"Give me one second," he said. "Let's get you in bed and then I need to go grab something."
Daddy helped Sofia get into bed, but she didn't lay down. How was she going to be able to fall asleep without Trixie? She didn't think it was going to be possible. Who was going to protect her while she slept tonight?
Sofia had decided while her Daddy was gone that she wasn't going to sleep tonight. She couldn't because someone had to fight off the monsters that were coming.
"I know this isn't Trixie, but I hope this will do for tonight until we can get Trixie," Daddy said as he walked back into the room.
His hands were behind his back and her eyes stared at his arms, wanting to see what he could possibly be holding.
"Are you ready to see what I have?" he asked.
She nodded her head and wiped away the tears that had fallen down her cheek. She was still sad she left Trixie, but she was also intrigued by what her Daddy could have behind his back.
He brought a white cow with blue spots from behind his back, and she let out a gasp. It was gorgeous.
"I've had this stuffie for several years now," he said. "Do you want to sleep with it?"
"Can I?" she whispered, sounding so unsure.
She wanted to hug it and never let it go, but she didn't know if she was allowed to.
"Of course you can," he said. "What do you think the name should be?"
"Mattie," she said as she made grabby hands towards it.
"Mattie it is."
She hugged the soft plush cow against her body, loving the feeling the soft fur had against her cheek and arms. This was amazing.
"Happy?" he softly asked.
Sofia nodded her head and looked at him. She was so happy.
"Now, do you want a story before you go to bed or do you want to just go to sleep?" he asked.
"Story!" she yelled.
His eyebrow raised. "Inside voices."
She laid down in bed and gave him a sheepish look. "Sorry, Daddy."
She knew she should use her inside voice, but it was so hard when she was excited. She got a new stuffie, and he was going to tell her a story.
"Alright," he said, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "Once upon a time in a land far, far away was a Little who wanted to rule the world."
Sofia giggled and turned to her side. She wanted to be able to look at Daddy while he told the story. But she knew she wasn't going to last long, her eyes were already starting to droop.
"The Little was named Miss Rosemary, and she wanted all the Littles in the world to be loved and cherished," he continuedto tell the story. "She had a heart made of gold, but some very bad people wanted to take advantage of that."
"Oh no," she whispered, feeling herself slipping off to sleep.
Sofia heard a chuckle, but she ignored it and snuggled into her pillow and stuffie.