“Are you a Little?”
Sofia stared at Jaxson in shock. How did he know? She hadn’t told him she was a Little. She made sure to hold tightly onto that side of herself while she was working.
Had he seen right through her?
That wasn’t possible. She was good at hiding her Little and any emotion she wanted to hide. She had years of practice and Jaxson wasn’t going to be the first person to see through her.
Panic welled up inside of her at the thought of him seeing through her. She didn’t know why she was panicking. Maybe it was the fact that no one else had seen through her, and the thought of someone finally being able to, scared her.
Sofia remembered Jaxson asking her about the club in the interview. She said she knew it was a place for Caregivers and Littles. She knows that Jaxson is a Daddy Dom. She also knows she didn’t say anything about being a Little.
He had figured that out on his own.
Jaxson wouldn’t have asked if he didn’t suspect her of being a Little. She wanted to know what gave it away. What had she done to make him see she is a Little?
“Sofia?” he softly asked.
Her eyes tracked to his. Did she lie and say she wasn’t or did she tell the truth? She knew he didn’t like lying, but she didn’t know if he was going to fire her because she was a Little. Would that be a conflict in interest?
She didn’t know, and it scared her.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
How was she supposed to answer that? She didn’t feel great about him knowing and her possibly losing her job.
“I am,” she whispered. “Is that going to be a problem?”
She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. What if she lost her job right then and there? She didn’t know what other places were hiring right now or if they would even take someone who wasn’t a US citizen yet.
Jaxson had asked her that in the interview. She had replied honestly, saying she wasn’t. She let him know she was here on a work visa and was hoping to gain full citizenship while she was working.
She loved Chile, but she wanted to live in the United States and have more opportunities. She didn’t know how long it was going to last, since she was only on a work visa instead of having her Green Card.
Jaxson’s eyes went wide. “No! It isn’t a problem.”
Her shoulders relaxed at his words. She was so glad it wasn’t going to be a problem, but why was he wondering if she was a Little?
“I’m sorry if I made you panic. That wasn’t my intention, and I promise you being a Little won’t affect your job,” Jaxson said.
He was reassuring her, and she liked that. It was like he could read that she was panicking, and he didn’t want her to.
“W-why did you w-want to know?” she stuttered. She didn’t enjoy asking questions, but she needed to know why.
“Some of the Littles are having a playdate in two days and I wanted to invite you,” he said. “I know the girls who have put ittogether. Well, their Daddies really put it together. I wanted to invite you. You could meet the girls and boys who are Littles and make friends.”
She blinked several times, not expecting him to say that. He was inviting her to the playdate she had heard the girls talk about earlier in her shift?
She couldn’t believe it.
Sofia took a step back. Why was hereallyinviting her to the playdate? Could he do that? From her slight knowledge about him, he didn’t have a Little. Was he allowed to do that if he didn’t have one?
“I may be completely overstepping here, but I think you would get along with the other Littles and be great friends,” he said. “I just wanted to invite you in case you wanted to go. I saw you looking over at the group of Littles.”