Why was he so observant? He seemed to be able to read her, even when she was trying to hide things, and now he was observing where she looked. Sofia hadn’t really realized she was looking over at the other Little so much. Not until he said something.

She continued to look at him. He sounded so genuine with what he was saying, but she wasn’t sure. Could he be lying and just saying these things so she got her hopes up?


He couldn’t do that. Sofia didn’t think he would do that. Jaxson didn’t seem like the type of person who would be mean. Granted, she didn’t know him really well, but the little she did, he was super nice.

Sofia looked over at the Littles once again. She didn’t know if she should say yes or no. She so badly wanted to say yes. At the same time, they all looked like they were best friends, and she didn’t want to be left out. No one liked to be left out or not get things. It didn’t make a person feel good.

“I don’t know,” she whispered, looking back at him.

Everything in her wanted to say yes, so she could make friends. She could also be Little at the same time, but she didn’t want to intrude on anything. The Littles hadn’t invited her, and she was worried she would be overstepping.

“Why are you hesitant?” he asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

She shrugged her shoulders, but she knew.

“I think you do know. Are you worried you won’t be welcome? I can always get Finn to come over and we can talk to him,” Jaxson said.

Before she could say anything, he turned around and waved at Finn to come over. Her palms started to get sweaty just thinking about talking to another Dom. She had never been around so many, and it was nerve wracking.

Finn walked towards them. She so badly wanted to run away, but she couldn’t when Jaxson looked at her. It was like he knew she was going to bolt, and he needed to make sure she was still there.

“Hey, Jaxson. What do you need?” Finn asked as he sat down in one of the chairs.

Sofia looked at both of them with wide eyes, not knowing what to do. Did she say something or did he let Jaxson handle it? Should she intervene and tell Jaxson she didn’t want to go?

That would be a lie, but she didn’t want him to ask Finn in front of her, or ask at all.

“Hey! I was talking to Sofia here about the playdate you guys have been organizing,” Jaxson started to explain. “I told her she was invited, but I think she’s worried. You know I don’t have a Little yet. Part of me feels like she’s worried that since I don’t, I can’t invite her.”

She wanted to shake her head when Finn looked over at her, but she held still. Jaxson was right in everything he said, shejust didn’t want him to be right. How did he know what she was thinking? How could he read her so well?

“Sofia, it’s nice to finally meet you,” Finn said. “I want to let you know you are more than welcome to come to the playdate. Jaxson was telling the truth. You are more than welcome to come, and the Littles would love to have you.”

Sofia looked down at her feet, not able to hold eye contact anymore. She didn’t want to see their body language right now. It could all be an act, but she didn’t think it was.

Her palms didn’t stop sweating, and she felt her breathing pick up. Was she supposed to respond? What was she supposed to say?

She had never interacted with so many Doms, especially Daddy Doms, at one time. She was worried she would mess things up. She knew some of the basic things, but there was so much more she didn’t feel like she knew well enough.

Jaxson was the one to initiate things with Finn. She didn’t know if she was supposed to say anything or let Jaxson take care of it. Sofia knew Jaxson wasn’t her Dom, but it felt right, especially in this situation.

He had just taken over, and she didn’t mind.

“Little one?” Jaxson said.

She lifted her head a little and looked at him. She absolutely loved it when he called her that. It made her feel special and all gooey inside.

“You really are welcome to come. They would love to have you and be friends with you,” he said. “But it’s up to you. If you want to go, you’re more than welcome. If you aren’t ready yet, the girls have a playdate here at least once a month. You’ll be welcome at those, too.”

“I’ve got to go. I can see Charlotte getting into the glitter,” Finn said.

Jaxson kept his eyes on her the whole time Finn talked and left. She started teetering on her feet, not comfortable with him staring at her for so long.

“What are you thinking?” he softly asked. “You can tell me anything and I won’t judge. I’m a good listener.”

“I don’t want to be the odd one out,” she whispered.