"Has she done something like this before?" Ezra asked. "Around Sofia or in front of you and you just didn't register it?"

"I don't remember her doing anything in front of me or saying anything. Lucy has been sweet to customers but something about that interaction just doesn't sit well with me."

Sofia started to walk down the stairs again to hear better. But right as she took her next step, the stairs creaked, and she froze as all eyes were on her. Daddy immediately stood up from his chair and walked over towards her.

"What are you doing out of the crib?" Daddy asked. "How did you get out of the crib?"

Sofia continued to suck on the pacifier as she stared at her Daddy. She didn't really want to talk right now.

"That was naughty of you to climb out of your crib," Daddy said. "You should've called out to me, and I would've come and picked you up."

She looked at her feet as he continued to talk. She knew she should've waited for him, but she hadn't wanted to.

"It was also naughty of you to walk down the stairs by yourself. Little girls shouldn't walk down the stairs by themselves. They could get hurt," Daddy said. "Next time you call me, and I'll come get you."

Her cheeks started to go red from embarrassment. She hadn't thought it was a big deal but boy was she wrong.

"Do you understand?" Daddy asked.

She nodded her head and looked at him. He seemed satisfied with her nod, and she was glad.

"Good girl," he said.

Her cheeks went even redder as he said that. She absolutely loved it when he called her a good girl. She was embarrassed she was getting like this in front of Antonio and Ezra while also being scolded for getting out of her crib alone and walking down the stairs.

"Don't be embarrassed," Ezra said.

"We're both Daddies and completely agree with what your Daddy just said about getting out of the crib and walking down the stairs alone," Antonio said.

She looked over at them briefly before looking at her Daddy.

"They are right. You shouldn't be embarrassed," Daddy said. "Never."

She nodded her head and sucked harder on the pacifier. Her heart rate had sped up when he called her good girl but went even faster when Ezra and Antonio started talking.

"Come here," Daddy said as he held his arms open.

She took one step before wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. If he didn't want her to walk down the stairs alone, then she wasn't going to walk at all. He could carry her.

"Any time you want to be carried, you let me know," Daddy said. "I'll gladly carry you around just to have you in my arms."

Her insides went all gooey as he said that. He was too sweet to her.

As they got closer to the couch, she remembered that they were talking about Lucy, and she wanted to know why. She struggled with the idea of taking her pacifier out and talking, but she knew that they wouldn't understand her if she didn't.

"Why are you talking about Lucy?" She asked, briefly taking the pacifier out before plopping it back in.

Hopefully, they wouldn't need her to talk anymore, and she could just listen to what they were saying. She didn't like being left out of things and right now she felt like she was on the outside.

"Just that she made a rude comment about you when I found out you had been mugged," Daddy said.

Sofia scrunched up her nose at that. She did remember that, but it didn't shock her. Lucy wasn't a nice person, at least to her.

"Why the face?" Ezra asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. Should she tell them about Lucy and her ugly comments to her?

"What about Monty?" Antonio asked. "Would she want to do anything to hurt you?"