Page 32 of Until Posey

Lacey had been a wild teen. Drinking too much to start, which then gatewayed to drugs. Lacey had been in and out of rehab multiple times for her addictions. My biggest fear was getting the call from Lucy, about Lacey dying from an overdose. Or being in the wrong place at the wrong time because Lacey hung out with some unsavory people.

“So, I’ll ask again. Are you going to call the police?”

Lucy sighed. “I stopped by the station and filed a report before coming here. I’ve had enough of her bullshit.” I hated Lucy felt as if she had to explain her actions to me. Newsflash, she didn’t. I’d support Lucy’s decision, even if she hadn’t called the police. It’s what friends did for each other. “Apparently, it’s considered a Class E felony because she stole $700 from me.”

“Do your parents know?”

“Yup.” Lucy popped the p on the end of her answer, then took a hearty swallow of her drink. “Dad understands. He’s not happy about it, but he understands. And according to him, my mom is pissed at me.”

“She’ll get over it,” I said, not sure how anyone could be mad at Lucy. She was the victim, for cripes' sake.

Lucy shrugged. “I don’t care either way, Posey. Without consequences, Lacey is just going to just continue to do whatever the hell she wants to. I’m sick of it.”

A waiter stopped by seats and slid a platter with an array of finger foods between the two of us. “Enjoy ladies.”

Rebecca came back, wanting to know if Lucy wanted another drink shortly after the server’s departure. “Yes, please.” Lucy handed the bartender her the empty glass and grinned. “Those are dangerous.”

“Can I get a glass of water?”

I wasn’t a prude when it came to drinking. I’d occasionally bust out of my prim and proper façade and let loose. But I had to cases to prepare and families to see. Having a hangover while dealing with families and/or children wasn’t appropriate. I needed to keep myself hydrated—even if it was the weekend.

When Rebecca returned, she slid two glasses of water and Lucy’s drink across the bar.

“Try the truffle chips.” Lucy pushed the container of homemade chips closer to me. “I could eat bags of these.”

I picked one up. The salty mixed with the pungent earthy taste of the truffle was perfection on my tongue. “Agreed.”

Lucy leaned back in her chair. Watching me intently. I knew what she was waiting for, but I wouldn’t start in on my night until I was sure she was done venting. “Well?”

“I’m an idiot, Luce,” I stated before explaining what I’d done.

“Let me get this straight. You just left?” Lucy asked, her voice deceptively calm. I knew if we were at my place or hers, she’d rake my ass over the coals for being such a dumbass.

“Yes,” I mumbled. “It’s bad, isn’t it?”

Lucy leaned forward on her forearms. “Let me ask you this first. Why did you run?”

I shrugged. “Aren’t you listening to me, Luce? I already told you, I’m an idiot.”

“You’re a lot of things, Posey. But you’re not stupid. Nor are you one typically trying to bullshit people. Especially me. So, what gives?”

I picked at the cuticle on my thumb. A nervous habit I’d been unable to break. “I was scared.” Even I winced at how stupid that sounded.

“Of what?” Lucy probed.

“Everything. He’s a parent, Luce. It’s wrong—”

“Bullshit. Other than a couple of follow-up visits, all you need to do is close out the case and file it away.”

“Everything is electronic now. We no longer physically file a case folder away in a drawer.”

Lucy narrowed her eyes at me in a warning. I was pushing her. I knew it. “Posey,” she warned.

“I’m scared. Of everything. I’ve never wanted to take the next step with any of the guys I’ve ever dated. The thought of being intimate with them just never seemed appealing. To give myself totally over to someone, only to have them screw me over later. It fucked with my head. Being with Hunter, though—he excites me in a way I don’t fully understand. While also scaring the shit out of me, Luce. I don’t think I could handle it if Hunter betrayed me.”

Lucy put her drink down. “Fucking finally, we get the truth. First off—” Lucy held up her pointer finger— “Hunter Banks isn’t the type of man to do that. He just isn’t. I’ve said from day one, he’s not the type of guy to shirk his duty. He didn’t know about Destiny. That’s not his fault. It’s Hope’s for not telling him he was going to be a dad. Which is a bitch move, by the way.” Lucy popped another chip into her mouth.

“There is a lot of gossip about him, Luce. A lot.”