Page 31 of Until Posey

I waved at her and said, “Hey Luce.” Before snagging the seat, she held it with her purse. She placed the bag on the back of her seat, then grinned. She looked absolutely exhausted.What the heck happened?

“What up, girlfriend?” Lucy said before taking a hearty sip of the drink in her hand.

The bartenders atFlamewere phenomenal. It didn’t matter who made your drink because they were always perfect. The bar also had a revolving specialty drink that changed weekly.

“What are you drinking?” I asked.

Lucy’s drink was a lavender color, with a matching Viola perched on top.

“Don’t know. Don’t care. It tastes divine, though. Want a sip?” Lucy held her glass out to me, and without hesitation, I took the glass and sipped the drink.

I returned the glass to Lucy and waited for the bartender to approach.

“Good evening, welcome toFlame. My name is Rebecca.” She laid down a napkin in front of me. “I’ll be serving you ladies tonight. Do you need a minute with our menu, or do you know what you’d like?”

I pointed to the glass in front of Lucy. “I’d like what she’s having, please.”

“Springtime Love,” Rebecca announced. “It’s one of our featured cocktails of the week.”

“It’s divine,” Lucy interjected.

Rebecca smiled. “Coming right up. Can I get you, ladies, anything else? The chef made up a couple of snacks to complement this week’s drinks, if you’re interested.”

I looked at Lucy, and she looked at me and we both laughed. Another reason to come toFlame. The food. It was out of this world. Even though I’d already had dinner, and was still full, I couldn’t turn down the snacks the bar served.

“Ohh, yes please,” Lucy answered for both of us.

“Do you want to know what it is?” Rebecca inquired.

“Hell no,” Lucy said. “We know whatever it is, it’s going to be good.”

Rebecca smiled. “Gotcha. Let me get your drink order in, and those snacks will be out in about ten minutes.”

“Thank you,” I replied, remembering my manners before the bartender left.

“How’d you get here so fast?” Lucy inquired, watching me over the lip of her glass.

“Ugh, Luce. It’s been a shitty night from hell.” I held up my hand to wave her off when she opened her mouth to ask me what had happened. “Of course, it’s all my making. But tell me about your day first. Then, if we’re still sober, we can discuss the shit show that is my life.”



But Lucy was my bestest friend and if I could be melodramatic with anyone, it’d be her.

Rebecca delivered my drink while Lucy got on with telling me about her day.

“What’s killing me, is I know better than to trust Lacey—” Lucy had a fraternal twin sister, who’d been a minute and a half younger than her. Lacey constantly causes issues for Lucy— “I just can’t believe she stole money from me. I mean, she’s done some petty shit to me in the past, but this… This takes the freaking cake.”

It did.

“Are you going to call the police?” I asked, after taking a long sip of my drink. “Did you tell your parents?”

Lucy nodded. “I did. My dad keeps trying to give me the money she stole back. I told him no. Lacey did it. She needs to face the consequences of her actions.” Lucy frowned. “I didn’t think I could ever call the cops on her, Posey. She’s my sister.”

I sighed. “And I get that Luce, I do.” I waded through the muck carefully, not wanting to badmouth Lucy’s sister, but I also didn’t appreciate Lacey taking advantage of my friend like she was. “I can’t imagine how hurt you’re feeling at her stealing your hard-earned money. I can honestly say I don’t know what the right answer is.”

Lucy sardonically laughter cut to the quick. “Should I be surprised, though? I mean, Lacey’s been heading down this path for years.”