Page 33 of Until Posey

She snorted. “And that is all it is, Posey. Gossip. The man got left with a whole lot of responsibility during an age when he should’ve been going out and sowing his wild oats. He didn’t. Instead, he did the adult thing and took care of his siblings. When they grew up, and it was the right time, he let loose a little. Can you blame the guy?”

I shook my head. Looking at it from Lucy’s perspective, Hunter’s actions made sense. “Ugh.” I groaned, dropping my head into my hands. “So, what the hell do I do now?”

“Now, we get drunk. But tomorrow or the next day, you’re going to march your judgy little ass to his house and apologize for being so stuck in your head and stupid.” Lucy nudged me with her right shoulder to get my attention. “Then you explain to him why you ran. Tell him you were scared and why. If he doesn’t get it, Posey, it’s a red flag, and you need to run as far away from him as your short little legs will carry you. Does he know about your background?”


Lucy humphed, “Then he should understand, Posey. The deeper you get with him, the more you need to let him in, so he understands when you fuck up. Because let’s be honest, Pose, you are going to fuck up—a lot.”

I winced. Lucy above everyone else knew how I felt about using my childhood as an excuse. “It doesn’t give me justification, Luce.”

“You’re absolutely right. It doesn’t. But you’ve never experienced relationships like everyone else has. Growing bonds of trust with a parent or sibling. Or to even see how a couple in love communicated with each other. Your childhood skews your view of being an adult, Pose. It always will. Any man you date, fall in love with, or marry needs to get used to your idiosyncrasies. Even show you the right way to connect, and deal with problems when they fall in your lap.” Lucy paused. “And not run.”

I cocked a brow at her because she knew I regretted leaving Hunter once I planted my ass in my car to leave. “How’d you get so smart?”

“Does going to a half dozen interventions for Lacey count?”

I couldn’t help it. I chuckled. “Maybe? Or maybe it’s just good old common sense.”

Lucy laughed. “Now that I think about it, it’s more the second one than the first.” She looked down at my empty glass and signaled to Rebecca. “Can we both get a refill?”

“Coming right up,” Rebecca said before removing our empties and disappearing down to the other side of the bar.

“He had dinner catered fromFlame,” I stated.

Lucy gave a low whistle. “That boy’s already gone for you.”

I snorted. “Mack’s his brother-in-law. I’m sure it was a single phone call.”

“So? He could’ve just gotten sandwiches from the Publix down the road, Posey. The man tried. He gets credit for that.” I nodded. BecauseFlamewas my favorite restaurant. It could get pricy, but worth it. “I like Hunter for you, Pose. From what I’ve seen, he’s the type of man who will be the pillar of support you need.”

Rebecca returned, placing their pretty filled glass in front of us. I all but snatched mine up, sipping at it. I swore no matter how hard I tried; I couldn’t taste the alcohol. “You weren’t lying, these are so dangerous.”

“Mmmm hmmm.” Lucy took a sip of hers. “I love it. They’re hazardous, like Hunter.”

“I happily refer to him in my head as a Viking God. I’m afraid one day I’m going to slip and call him that,” I stated.

Lucy chuckled. “Jesus, promise me if you do it while having sex, you immediately tell me his reaction to it!”

“I have a feeling it’ll give him an enormous head.”

“Or bigger,” Lucy answered, giving me a saucy wink.

“Crap, I walked right into that one,” I muttered, feeling the flush of embarrassment fill my cheeks. Maybe I could blame it on the drinks if Lucy questioned me further.

The brown eyes of my best friend widen. “I knew it. I told you he had BDE.”

I glanced around the bar. Packed. Thankfully, still we didn’t have to yell at each other to be heard. We never did when we came here. But that also didn’t mean other people couldn’t hear our conversation.

“Stop it,” I warned.

Lucy held up her hands. “I get it, girl. I hope you don’t delay getting it, either.”

I glanced down at the drink in Lucy’s hand. We both could get a little raunchy when we drank. We also got more animated and would argue over whose book boyfriend was better if the mood struck.


I needed to get laid.