Page 14 of Dead Wrong

“Someone broke into your cabin?”

“No, the outbuilding where we keep most of the meat. It’s outdated, I know, but we’re fae, we tend to do things the old-fashioned way.”

“Was it animals?”

“Oh, no. The thieves were of the two-legged variety. Saw the boot prints to prove it. I tracked them as far as the road. I figured I’d better get us dinner before Gran threw a hissy fit. She gets hangry when her blood sugar drops.”

“Did you call the police?”

“Not yet, but I will in the morning. By the way, your friend went that way.” She pointed past me. “With any luck, they tracked down your dog.”

“What friend? I’m out here alone.”

“Really? I’m sure I saw another silhouette when I gothere.” She pulled a face. “I could be wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time.”

I thought of my earlier instincts and fought the urge to shudder. Maybe Vincenzo Magnarella was finally making good on his threat. The vampire mafioso made it clear that he’d be seeking vengeance for my role in destroying his blossoming avatar business. Other than outing myself to Kane in the process, I harbored no regrets.

“If you’re a fan of venison, I spotted a few deer that way,” I said, indicating the section of forest closer to the Falls. I felt a smidge of guilt over Bambi, but I appreciated that Sage and hangry grandmother needed to eat.

“Thanks, you’re a godsend,” the fae said, continuing past me.

She had no idea.


I putone boot in front of the other and strode to the entrance. This visit was purely for information gathering—information related to Chutney’s death, not Kane’s disappearance. Kane could stay away for the rest of eternity, and I’d be fine with it. The demon had made his bed of nails and now he’d have to lie on it, although the sadist would probably enjoy that. Make it a bed of puppies.

I joined the line behind two whispering women. They seemed to be checking out the butt of the guy in front of them. The tight leather pants made it easy for them. You could tell everyone in line was supernatural because not a single one of them bothered to wear a coat.

Finally, it was my turn. “How’s it going, Larry?”

The bouncer looked startled to see me. “I need to see some ID.”

I stared at him. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“Rules are rules. Come on, you’re holding up the line.”

“It would move faster if you didn’t make me show ID when you know perfectly well who I am.”

“Listen, every night I admit magic users. Witches, mages,fae. It’d be all too easy for one of them to use a glamor to look like you or someone else, enter the club, cause a heap of trouble, and leave. Suddenly, you’re banned and you don’t know why. That’s why I ask for ID.”

Okay, that actually made sense. “Fake IDs are simple to make,” I grumbled, digging through my handbag for my license.

“They are, but I find someone will use one or the other, but never both. They don’t tend to cover their bases.” Larry wriggled his fingers as I produced the ID. He nodded and handed it back to me. “Have a good night, Miss Clay.”

I slipped the ID into my handbag and entered the nightclub. The interior was awash in red and green. In the middle of the room, an oversized Christmas tree hung upside down from the ceiling. Gold and silver ornaments gleamed in the dimly lit space. Bulbs flashed off and on, providing the dance floor with festive strobe lights. The Devil’s Playground took the holidays more seriously than a corporate chain store.

I spotted a pair of broad shoulders behind the bar. My heart sank when I realized they belonged to Dantalion.

As luck would have it, a vampire vacated a stool as I approached. I swooped in to claim it. “Hey, Dandelion.”

The demon’s piercing blue gaze darted to the left and back to me. “Lorelei. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“What can I say? This place is growing on me like a fungus.”

He raised a perfect eyebrow. No caterpillars on that devilishly handsome face. “What can I get for you?”

“You’re tending bar? What happened to Cole?”