Page 15 of Dead Wrong

“Got in a fistfight while trying to buy the last snow shovel.”

“That’s the holiday spirit. I’m in the mood for a French 75 with gin.”

The vampire on the stool beside me leaned over. “I amFrench,” he said in heavily accented English, “and I am at least seventy-five. I lost count years ago.”

Dan rolled his eyes.

“I’ve heard better pickup lines at the DMV,” I said.

The vampire sniffed me. “You smell interesting, like I very much want to bite you, but more out of fear.”

I pushed him upright by the forehead. “And you smell like bourbon.”

Giving up, he turned back to the guest on the other side of him.

Dan placed a bubbly flute on a coaster in front of me. “On the house.”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“Kane wouldn’t charge you.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, but I bit my tongue. A free drink was a free drink. “Have you heard about any strange happenings in Wild Acres?”

“Nothing too out of the ordinary. Why?”

“The pack lost someone under bizarre circumstances.”

“That’s rough. I haven’t heard anything. You’d have to ask Josie. She’s more on top of security issues.”

Officially, Josephine Banks was Kane’s director of security. Unofficially, the vampire was his muscle and his keeper—and she’d made it clear she wasn’t particularly keen on me. If this were high school, she and West could start a club.

I swiveled on the stool for a better look at the crowd. Instead of Josie’s sour face, I saw a group of familiar ones seated together at a premium table alongside the dance floor, including Gunther Saxon. Gun was a member of La Fortuna, an ancient society of mages that used tarot cards to channel their magic. He was also a member of the local Assassins Guild, an elite organization supervised by the prince of hell himself. In fact, it seemed like half the Assassins Guild washere tonight. Had there been a meeting without their fearless leader?

Gunther spotted me and waved me over. I shook my head and turned back to Dantalion. “This is perfect, thanks,” I said, taking another sip.

My handbag vibrated with an incoming text. I retrieved the phone from the interior pocket. The message from the mage assassin was brief and to the point.

Why aren’t you coming over? I’m understimulated.

I smiled. Only Gun would be understimulated in a busy nightclub.Looks like plenty of entertainment happening around you.

Vaughn is telling a story and it’s taking 4ever.Ready to kill him just to make it stop.

You know the rules. The local assassins were banned from killing within the borders of Fairhaven.

Dantalion moved to the opposite end of the bar to serve a demanding demon, so I took my flute and joined the assassins.

“Look, everyone! It’s Lorelei!” Gun opened his arms in a welcoming gesture.

I perched on the base of his velvet lounge chair. “Why are you being weird? You knew I was here.” I noticed the excessive volume of empty bottles and glasses on the table. “What are we celebrating?”

There was a brief moment of silence. Vaughn raised a bottle of champagne. “A successful month.”

“Congratulations,” I said. “Where’s Cam?” Gunther’s cousin, Camryn Sable, was also a member of the guild who happened to have a massive crush on Vaughn. I hated to think she was missing out on this golden social opportunity.

“Cam had plans tonight or she would’ve stayed,” Alfonso said.

“Stayed? She was here?” I turned to Gun. “Was there a meeting?”