Page 13 of Dead Wrong

“I’d much rather hear you sing.”

“Never gonna happen, Otto.” The vampire was a skilled pianist. When I made the mistake of revealing my musical talents, he became fixated on exploring them. He grew even more intrigued when I refused to indulge his request. Musicand I had a complicated relationship, and that was the most I was willing to admit to him.

“One song of your choosing,” he persisted.

“No means no. Bye for now.”

I tucked away the phone and continued my search. There was still no evidence of a dog. I was beginning to think Bert had been delusional at the time of the incident. Maybe he’d eaten some hallucinogenic berries. Thanks to the crossroads, nothing would surprise me in this forest.

I heard the crack of a twig behind me and whirled around. I saw only darkness and the outline of trees. “Who’s there?” I demanded.

No response. As much as I wanted to dismiss the sound as another woodland creature, my well-honed instincts told me otherwise.

“Come out where I can see you,” I demanded.

Another crunching sound alerted me to movement to my left. A splotch of red flashed in the inky void. A woolly hat.

“Who’s there?” a voice asked.

“I asked you first.”

“No, you didn’t.” She sounded indignant as she approached me. Pale features shone in the sliver of moonlight.


She squinted at me. “Lorelei?”

My body relaxed. “What are you doing out here?”

The fae waved her bow and arrow in the air. “Luckily for you, not shooting first and asking questions later.”

“I’m looking for a lost dog.”

“What does it look like?”

“It has a shaggy head and a thin tail. Other than that, no clue.”

“You don’t know what your dog looks like? Wait, whendid you get a dog?” Sage had been to my house to help revive Ray’s daughter when she was in a supernatural coma.

“It’s not my dog.”

“Then why are you out here searching for it?”

“Because it’s lost, and the weather conditions are terrible.”

Sage observed me for a moment. “Huh.”

“What, huh?”

“Nothing. If it helps, I haven’t seen a dog, and I’ve been out here for an hour.”

“How have you not caught anything?” I asked. “I’ve seen plenty of other animals scampering around out here.” Just not the one I wanted.

“If I was in the mood for fried squirrel, I’d be in luck. Gran happens to love squirrel on a stick, but since she isn’t the one out here in the frigid cold, she’ll have to take what she can get.”

“I’m surprised you waited until this late to hunt.”

“I would’ve been out earlier if I’d known someone was going to raid our food storage.”