Nick nodded not very enthusiastically as Kit went to grab some of the equipment to tidy up.

Jax came towards me. "How are you feeling today?"

I nodded. "I'm good. How are you? I haven't seen you at Delta before."

"They make sure to keep me locked up behind the scenes where I'm needed."

I couldn't help but notice the sarcasm in his voice and before I had the chance to question it, Kit returned ready to leave.

* * *

The next weekwas really busy for the brothers, for some reason. I spent most of my time alone or with Lilly who had thankfully been granted some free time. We never complained about her always being busy at work, she had her own business as a beauty therapist and business was always booming for her, especially during the wedding season.

"Is there something going on at Delta or something?" Lilly asked, before shovelling popcorn into her mouth. Now that I pretty much lived here, I'd invited Lilly to come over and watch some movies with me. She was fine with it, in fact, she was happy as long as she could avoid Nick. He was currently working, just like all the other lads were.

"No, at least I don't think so," I answered, remembering all the time's something had been going on at Delta and Kit hadn't told me about it. I tried to rid myself of that thought, because if I didn't, we'd never truly be able to be happy.

"Apart from probably training hard for that tough mudder challenge."

"Tough-a-what?" Lilly stared at me and I laughed.

"Seriously, look it up."

Lilly didn't take long on her phone before she found a hilarious YouTube video. We both sat laughing at it once she moved closer so I could watch it too.

"I have got to see this," she said.

"Well, they're doing it for charity so that's good. I'll let you know when they're doing it."

"A load of fit and sweaty men running through mud with masks on?" Lilly stared into space, trying to imagine it and I laughed.

"They won't have their masks on, and no one will know that they're from Delta. As far as everyone else will know, they'll just be a group of lads raising money."

We both chuckled more as we continued to watch videos and right on queue Kit and Nick returned home and stared in on us. Lilly sat up properly, her body instantly changing at the sight of Nick.

"Well, I should go," she said, standing up. "I have an appointment."

I nodded and cuddled her. To my surprise, as she passed Kit he lifted his fist to give her respect and she smiled before pumping her fist against his. Then came the awkward stare between her and Nick. Normally he would continue watching her while she dodged his eyes like bullets. I sighed once she was gone, and Kit came over and knelt before me.

"How's my baby doing?" he brought his ear to my stomach and it made me smile.

"They like popcorn."

He brought his nose to my stomach then and I couldn't help but feel embarrassed as Nick watched our interaction from the doorway.

"Listen, buddy," Kit spoke against my stomach. "Sweet and salted popcorn is like having pineapple on pizza. Mummy may be fooling you now, but wait until you're outside…"

I bit my lip and stared at him with pure love fogging my eyes.

"You two really need to hurry up and get married," Nick commented before pushing himself off of the door frame so he could go into the kitchen.

Kit stared up at me, smiling and eyeing my lip that was hidden between my teeth.

"Perhaps just a movie, for now?" he asked, eyeing my released lip.

I tried not to redden under his stare, it made him grin and then he pulled me up.

"I should get a shower,"Kit said once we were upstairs and I planned on getting changed into something more comfortable.