My skinnies really weren't cutting it anymore. The only thing they were cutting was my waistline. I reached into the set of drawers Kit had made clear for me to pull something more comfortable out. Despite me not officially moving in yet, more and more of my things were making their way here. So much so that I didn't need to go home hardly at all anymore to gather my things.

"You wanna join me?" Kit said from over my shoulder and my body trembled under the closeness.

I reached down then with him behind me, bending down directly in front of him to take my skinnies off. Once I'd pulled them down my behind I felt Kit's hands on my arse, caressing and squeezing it gently. We were still yet to try doggy, but I could tell he was getting a feel for it as he pulled my behind against his groin. There, I felt his erection through the clothing. Standing back up straight, I was about to pull my top off when Kit's fingers snuck under the fabric and pulled it over my head. Gently, he nibbled the bare skin on my shoulder and kissed up my neck and to my ear as he ran his hands up and down my body. I wanted to feel him so badly so I turned around and ran my hands over his bare shoulders and up through his hair. Frowning, I gripped a hold of something I'd found amongst his hair and in my fingers, I pulled it out of his hair and showed it to him. It looked like plaster.

"God knows how that got there," he commented and I grinned.

"They building a sculpture of you at Delta too?" I asked, noticing the smear of something like concrete on his shoulder.

"Wouldn't surprise me," he commented whilst staring at my lips.

"Well, they love you that much," I replied.

Kit took his chance then to kiss my bottom lip, he drew it between his teeth before bringing his tongue towards mine. It was making me so hot and he knew that. He gripped a hold of my arse once more, using my knickers to thread his fingers so he could pull me closer.

"Damn girl, you've got more curves than a hot wheels track," he said looking down at me.

I bit my lip and smiled, enjoying his hands running down my waist and back up again.

"We might have to delay the shower, Miss Johnson."

"Really? What would you have me do instead, Mr. Carson?"

He gently moved me back and onto the cabinet situated beside the wall. It wasn't the first time this had happened and I was beginning to wonder if we should have kept the surface clear because every time this had happened, various things had been knocked off in the process. Once he was sure I was lifted on top, he gripped his fingers within the band on my knickers and pulled them down my legs, leaving me naked on top of the glossy wood. The height of the cabinet worked to our advantage because Kit could easily slide into me without having to move either of us at all. My legs had wrapped around the back of his thighs as he positioned himself and filled me. I whimpered and gripped my fingers into Kit's shoulders as he began making love to me. Using his hands positioned around my lower back, he pulled my body back and forth as he withdrew and then thrust back into me. I hummed in pleasure but noticed how much noise we were making as the cabinet smacked against the wall.

"We're making too much noise," I breathed, not wanting this to stop.

"Don't. Care." Kit replied kissing me ravenously.

He breathed heavily and closed his eyes briefly. The look on his face heightened my need, sending bolts through my core just admiring how bloody gorgeous he looked. We continued like that, gripping at each others bodies until we eventually found our release. Kit held me there once we were both fulfilled and I cuddled into his chest as he regulated his breathing back to normal. Eventually, he lifted me down off of the cabinet and I kissed him before wandering off into the bathroom. I looked over my shoulder and smiled at him as he just stood staring at me.

He found me shortly after in the shower, rinsing my hair and joined me.

* * *

"So,we gonna talk about that pick-up line?" I asked, laying on Kit's bed.

"Pick up line?" he frowned, looking down at me.

"The Hotwheels one, where did you get that from?"

He smirked, "You think I can't make up my own chat up lines?"

I eyed him, wondering if he'd come up with a cheesy pickup line like that.

Eventually, he chuckled. "Okay, I got it from The Simpson's."

"You're shitting me? You used a line from The Simpson's on your pregnant girlfriend?" I asked, teasing him. "I can't believe you," I added before getting up and walking away. Hearing Kit's laughter laid a warm glow over my body and I wished I could hear it more.

The next daywe were gonna be like a normal couple. Despite the nerves, we were gonna go into town and wander boring shops. The more I thought about it, the more I hated the idea. I thought about just ordering some pregnancy pants online. I brought the idea to Kit, still feeling a bit nervous about needing them at all. He wasn't having it. He was determined for us to get out of this house as a couple to buy me some fat pants. I didn't have a very big bump yet, but I wore my skinnies as tight as possible which meant they just weren't doing the job anymore. It was probably a great idea, but once we got into town and Kit parked his car in the carpark I could see him on edge, checking every face that passed us as we got out of his car and walked to the shops. I could tell he was trying his best to act normal and did help me get some pregnancy skinnies. He refused to let me pay for them though, and instead of arguing in the shop I decided to give in. I could tell how on edge he was already and I was thankful that he offered to take me into a coffee shop. I was surprised that he wasn't in a rush to go home, but it made me realise. This was always going to be something we would have to fight for. This freedom. Even after we could truly say that any threat had been demolished, after everything we'd been through, we still wouldn't ever be able to live normally again. It would take time.

"What you thinking about, Blondie?" Kit asked as we sat at our table.

I was eyeing the drinks menu and trying to relax.

"Right now, I'm thinking about a whippy cappuccino with a vanilla shot."

It made him smile as he stared at me.