"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I came to see what a pussy you've become."

Scoffing, Kit glared at the man, his body set like stone. They both stood at the same height.

"She's not involved in any of this, let her go," Kit said and the guy shook his head whilst smiling.

"That's not my decision—"

"It's mine," the middle-aged Australian guy butted in and stepped forward, making Kit even more on edge. So much so that instead of taking steps back, he moved forward in disbelief.

"No," he said beneath his breath.

"Hello, Son."

What. The. Actual. Fuck.

I stared at Kit the best I could. He was in total disbelief and narrowed his eyes through the rain pouring down his face.

"No. It's not possible, you were killed. I saw you being shot, you—"

"You saw what I wanted people to see."

"This isn't fucking real," Kit rubbed his face.

This man was Kit's dad. It explained the similarities in his face and accent. It’s why he looked so familiar.

"All along it's been you?"

"You betrayed me. You betrayed our family by joining the company hired to kill me. Your own flesh and blood!"

"My own flesh and blood," Kit shook his head in disbelief.

He looked at me then, not letting go of my hand the whole time.

"She has nothing to do with this, let her go."

"She's my bargaining tool to ensure I get what I came for."

"And what is that?"

"When you betrayed me and left, you lost me everything. My followers, my deals, my—"

"Respect," Kit finished his sentence. “You lost that yourself when you got caught, old man.”

Kit’s dad narrowed his eyes at him. “Either way, you’re gonna earn me a large chunk back. You know as well as I do, boy. One fight, win this for me and gain me that respect back. Put me back in the game."

"You can't earn it back through just one fight."

"I can if it's an unbelievable fight. Have you remembered how to fight how I taught you or has that discipline disappeared after turning into a pussy, too?"

"I still have the scars to remind me of your discipline, you sick fuck. I'm not fighting for you."

"You sure about that?" the second he said it a group of men ripped me from Kit's side and I screamed.

Kit fought each of them but as he beat one down another came out of nowhere and they each tugged at me. The rainwater on my skin made it easy for them to pull me out of Kit’s grip, but lifting my leg, I thrust my knee into one of the men's crotches and ran back to Kit but the guy got a hold of my hand whilst shouting in pain. I screamed until he pelted me across the face so hard my eyes blackened and I fell to the floor. All I heard was Kit’s roar as he continued beating men to the floor until he reached the one who had hit me. Kit's dad shushed me as he helped me up. Fear consumed me as he lifted me to my feet and then positioned himself behind me, holding me against his body so he could look over my shoulder at Kit. Once my eyes cleared they widened, seeing a guys neck between Kit’s arms as he tightened and squeezed around his neck.

“Behind you!” I screamed as two other men grabbed hold of Kit.