"Enough!" Kit's father said and on-demand everything stopped. Kit remained within their grasp. It took about six men to hold him still, one of them held his neck in a brace and I feared at any moment, they would snap it clean off.

"Fight for me to keep her safe," his father said from within my hair and I whimpered as he inhaled against my skin, before staring back at Kit.

"You sick fuck, get your hands off of her!"

"You have my word," he spoke back.

"Your word means nothing!" Kit spat.

"It's your choice. You either do this or you watch her die. I'm being extremely lenient considering you're a traitor.”

Panic wasn’t even the word as I stared at Kit. He stared right back at me and I knew he’d already made his decision.

“Who am I fighting?”

I didn't have to see his face to know Kit's father was smirking. Shortly after he let me loose and I ran to Kit.

"You okay?" he asked, looking at me from arms length.

I wasn't even thinking about myself and I stared at him as he moved me aside.

“Kit. You don’t have to do this," I pleaded after him.

“Keep your mouth shut, pretty face. You’d be best staying over there out of the way,” Kit’s Dad spat through gritted teeth and it terrified me.

Protectively, Kit held onto my arm and pulled me behind him, glaring at his Father.

“You’re gonna fucking die for this,” he swore. “This time it’ll be for real.”

“We’ll see about that, boy. For now, let’s meet your opponent.”

Just as he said the last of his sentence another car screeched to a stop and I breathed a sigh of relief once I saw Kit’s brothers piling from within it. Straight away, they were surrounded by a bunch of men and my eyes locked with Nick’s as he marched towards me.

“One big happy family,” Kit’s father said and his words made Nick stop dead in his tracks to look at him.

Shaking his head, he blinked a few times and I reached for his arm so he wouldn’t get too close.

“You're supposed to be dead,” Nick said clearly.

“Clearly not, Son,” his Father answered and Nick looked around to me and Kit, realising that us being here was all his doing.

“You will be. What the fuck have you done now?” he said through gritted teeth.

It brought a chuckle from their father’s throat, especially when each of the brothers came towards us in the only direction they were able after being surrounded.

“How nice of you all to show up. Nice to know you’re all still loyal to each other if not to me, the one who made this,” their father lifted his arms, gesturing at them all and the unit they represented.

“You made us by abusing us and using us, you don’t fucking deserve to live,” Jax said.

“But here I stand and look atyou. You remind me of myself. What’s it feel like to be the head of the family, Kid? To take over from me?”

“He didn’t take over from you,” Eric piped up, glaring at his father. “He’s nothing like you."

“None of us are,” Jason added, holding his fists together and moving forward.

“You’re a lot more like me than you care to realise, Son,” he smiled, glancing at Jason’s clenched fists.

“Enough of this,” their father said and he glanced at me clinging to Kit’s arm.