“Hell, Eves. There’s no need to get yourself so worked up, I just wanted to meet you, Sweetheart.”


He was fucking Australian.

Opening my eyes wide, I tried to make out the face in front of me despite the beaming lights.

“Now, come on,” he held his hand out for me to take and I stared at it.

“Come on, I don’t wanna have to come inside to get you.”

“Who are you? Where have you brought me?”

“You’ll see. Honestly, Sweetheart, you’ll wanna see this.”

After a few seconds, I crawled from out of the back of the van and into the lights where the fabric on my dress fell to my feet once again.

“God, you are beautiful,” the man said, taking me in. “No wonder he likes you.”

I gulped, taking in my surroundings and the man before me.

“Who are you?” I asked, trying to make out his face. He was middle-aged and looked aged with not only ageing lines but scars and indentations in his skin. Overall he looked very well cut and clean, and I knew the look well. It was the same look that Ralph had. The evil, well-disguised look, and I could see straight through it. I noticed the cars behind him and the buildings surrounding them. We were in abandoned factory grounds. Certain industrial areas in Hull had been abandoned and although I didn't specifically know where we were, I knew we were in Hull. Likely beside the river. Here, in the centre of the car park, there were at least twenty cars in front of me parked in a circle with their high beams facing inwards.

“Where the hell am I? Who are you?" I asked as different men started appearing from inside and behind the cars. They all stood patiently, talking amongst themselves and I quickly realised what this was. It was a fight ring.

"Let's skip introductions, Sweetheart. Wait for Kit to get here and it'll all start making sense."

He's okay?

After hearing the gunshot and being carted into the van, I feared the worst. My chest expanded, now having hope that my Kit was okay.

"Where is he? What do you want from us?"

"What do I want fromyou?" he spat, getting so close that I flinched. "I want what's mine! I want what he stole from me!"

"Delta is mine!" I said without thinking.

They always wanted Delta.

"I don't want that damn company, that’s not my agenda today, at least. You're here as bait, baby, and once Kit gets here you'll get the picture."

I stared longer at the men crowded around and at the man wandering in front of me. I couldn’t get over how familiar he looked and in my petrified mind, I tried to place him to predict his motives. I was about to speak again when a car came screeching, turning the corner.


The guy in front of me smiled once the car brakes sounded and the car screeched to a stop. I didn't recognise the car at all.

"Ah, about time,” I heard from behind me and his voice faded as I turned to stare at the car.

If this was Kit, why was he alone? Where was Delta?

It was starting to rain, and through the thickness of the raindrops, I could see Kit pacing towards me until he ran and wrapped his arms around me. Despite everything we'd been through tonight already, he still looked immaculate in his tux'. He brought my head into his shoulder but I felt him staring behind me.

"It's gonna be okay," he promised but over his shoulder, I could see men crowding the bonnet of the car he'd just arrived in so he couldn't return there.

"Took your time, pretty boy," a deep voice spoke from within the crowd of men and it made Kit's body tighten in every possible way.

He gripped onto me and shifted me aside protectively as he glared at the approaching man.