"You'll be answering Brady's personal line," Angie points to the black headset on top of the desk. "Our main office line is picked up by Yvonne, the receptionist on the third floor. On the off chance that she's out of the office, we'll have you cover for her. But that rarely happens. When you answer, just say,CohenTech, how can I help you?If they want to speak with Brady directly, write down their name and number. He'll call them back when he's available. Whatever you do, do not transfer the call to him. Brady is a very busy man and he will return calls when he can."
"Anything else?"
Angie nods, her long black curls folding over her shoulders. "You will attend every meeting with Brady unless he's traveling. Your job is to take notes, type them up and email them to him. You'll also be responsible for finalizing details on galas and parties and making sure he gets lunch every day. The cafeteria on the first floor will have his lunch ready at noon when he's in the office. You'll make the trip down there and pick it up for him. You'll also drop off and pick up his dry cleaning. You need to memorize his calendar like your life depends on it. He needs to be reminded about Zoom meetings one hour before they're scheduled. There is a box of unfiled documents in his office. Today's task will be to file them into the correct folder. The filing cabinets are ordered from A-Z. Find the company name on the document and then place it in the right folder. If the company begins with a number, set it aside. There's a separate filing cabinet for those."
"I can do that."
"Izzy," her tone turns serious, "this job has a high turnover rate. Brady's assistants don't stick around for long. I know you're a single mom he's just trying to help out, but I don't want you to have high expectations."
A single mom he's just trying to help out?
"I don't expect anything," I shake my head, wondering how much Angie knows about our past.
"Brady isn't a man who's easily taken advantage of," she warns. "If you're looking for a handout, then this isn't going to work."
My throat burns with irritation. "Then I guess I should get to work."
Angie places a hand on my shoulder. "We have a strict no dating policy in this office."
"I'm not interested in dating anyone," I stare at her. "I'm interested in doing my job so I can take care of my daughter."
"You wouldn't be the first woman who's tried to get in Brady's bed," Angie frowns. "But it never works. Brady is not interested, and he won't risk his livelihood for a quick romp in the hay."
"I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here," I place my hands on my hips, "but I'm not interested in Brady's dick."Been there, rode that.Had my life turned upside down over it. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice. Not when Brianna's relying on me to give her a better life.
Angie's eyes widen before she throws her head back and laughs. "Oh, thank God. Do you know how many women come in here hoping they can make him fall in love with them?"
"I'm sure a lot," I tilt my head to the side as Angie exhales.
"So many," she clicks her tongue. "It's exhausting. I feel like I have to constantly cock block for him. My husband gets annoyed because I'm so protective of Brady, but he's like a brother to me. I don't want anyone destroying his hard work. He's worked so hard for this."
"Brady generously gave me this job," I tell her, ignoring the relief I'm feeling since she said the wordsmy husband. "I don't want to screw it up. I really need this. My daughter and I need this."
"Then, let me show you the filing cabinets."
I take my time, making sure I go through each document slowly. I don't want to screw up Brady's filing system on my first day. I don't want to screw upperiod.
Angie lets me know I can take my lunch break at noon. I grab a salad from the first-floor cafeteria and sit by the roaring fireplace. Ski season starts in a few weeks, and tourists will flood the area. So, I'm going to enjoy the warmth radiating off the stone while I can.
Once I'm finished, I video call Brianna and Mom. They're watching Cinderella and eating ants on a log—celery with peanut butter and raisins. Mom used to make that for me when I was younger.
Brianna looks happy wrapped up in a blanket on the couch. And I sigh in relief. I was worried about leaving her, but she's with Grandma. She's fine.
The elevator moves slowly as I watch the red digital numbers change above the door.
I drop my purse off at my desk before pushing open the door to Brady's office. I'm halfway through the box of documents, and I'd like to get it finished before he returns to work tomorrow. The less time I have to spend in his office with him, the better.
"How was lunch?" Brady's deep voice reverberates off the walls.
I let out a scream while punching the air with my fist.
Brady starts laughing as Angie's heelsclackalong the wood floor. When she reaches us, she sighs. "You scared me half to death, Izzy."
"I scared her," Brady tells Angie as he walks over to his desk and takes a seat.
"Did you have lunch?" I ask him, my heart still pounding in my chest.