Page 21 of Inspiring Izzy

"I did," he nods, his golden eyes avoiding me.

"I, um, still have some filing to do," I clear my throat, "but if you need me to finish later I can."

"No," he shakes his head. "I'm just going to answer some emails. You won't bother me."

Angie gives me a tight smile before disappearing.

It takes me twice as long to file with Brady in the room. I keep re-reading the documents because the sound of Brady typing, reminding me he's ten feet away, is a major distraction.

I work in his office until the sun starts its descent in the cerulean sky, and the pile of papers is almost gone.

"You need some coffee?" Brady finally speaks.

My eyes land on him finally. He's removed his black suit jacket and unbuttoned the first button on his white dress shirt.

"I'm not a big coffee drinker this late in the day," I shrug. "Sorry." But I'm not really sorry. I don't need a coffee break or sympathy. I need him to treat me like he treats all his assistants.

"We have decaf."

I exhale. "If you want coffee, I will get you some. You just have to let me know. It's literally my job."

"Wow," Brady chuckles. "You're in a mood today."

"Why do you care?" I retort.

Brady stands from his chair and walks over to me, his stupid cologne making me feel things I should not be feeling. "What's going on?"

I scoff. "You told Angie I was just some single mom you were helping out."

His lips part. "Yeah, because you set ground rules. One of those rules was not talking about the past. I didn't think you'd want my business partner knowing that we had a relationship nine years ago."

"You make me seem like a charity case. Is that what I am to you?"

Brady steps closer. "You aren't a charity case. Not to me. You are my biggest regret. The reason I threw myself into work and never got married. And when you married Steve, I was sickto my stomach. That someone else could fuck you anytime they wanted. That someone else got to kiss you and hold you. So, no, you're not a charity case. You're the reason I have everything I do today. I owe you. I owe you for every bad moment and every time I didn't choose you when I wanted to.When I should have. I will never be able to repay you for the hell I put you through, but I want to help you take care of your daughter. I want to make your life easier because I feel guilty that the last few years have been so hard on you."

I chew on the inside of my cheek, trying to process everything he's just said. Whatever way he spins it, I still sound like a charity case to him. Poor Izzy who didn't get chosen. Poor Izzy who's had a rough few years. Poor Izzy who's raising a daughter on her own.

"Iz," he whispers just like he used to.

"I will get you that cup of coffee," I back away from him and hurry out of his office, my heart punching bone and flesh.

We just broke the biggest ground rule. No talking about the past.Ever.

When I'm safely inside the elevator, I clutch my hand to my heart, grateful for the slow elevator ride.

Chapter 7

After our awkward encounter on Monday, where Brady made it known he considers me his biggest regret (and the reason he never settled down), we haven't talked much outside of him giving me tasks and me letting him know they've been completed.

I think it's for the best.

No good can come from acknowledging what we both already know.

There's no future for us. There never has been. There never will be.

After Brady broke my heart that final time, I made a pact with myself. No one—and I meanno one—tells me they don't want me twice. I walk away when they make it clear they don't want methe first time. I don't look back. I don't beg. I don't fight. I don't hang around like a dog waiting for table scraps. I accept that I'm not right for them, and I walk away.

But damn, I really wanted to be right for Brady. Like, I would have sold my soul to the devil just to be near him for the rest of my life.