Page 19 of Inspiring Izzy

"I still need your help, though."

"With what?" He looks shocked.

"We need to pick up Mom's car from the bar."

Dad playfully shakes his head. "And just when I thought you weren't my rebellious 17-year-old anymore."

"At least my ID is real."

Dad chuckles. "True."

I don't know how he feels about me working for Brady, but his not saying anything about it is progress.

Small, but still progress.

Chapter 6

I adjust my pants—er, Mom's pants—as the elevator moves at an excruciatingly slow pace. I don't own a single piece of business attire. Mom loaned me some of hers. Except Mom is three inches shorter than I am, so my ankles are freezing and I had to roll the jacket sleeves up to hide just how short they are on me. The grey, ill-fitted pantsuit will have to do until I get my first paycheck. I spent every cent I had on those plane tickets to get home.

The gold doors open and I inhale sharply, stunned by the snow-capped view at the top of the ski resort doubling as Brady's office.

I walk toward the triangular-shaped wall of windows, my free hand absentmindedly finding the end of my ponytail and I twirl it, mesmerized by the bright blue sky clashing with the sparkling mountaintop.

"Can I help you?" I hear to my left.

My hand drops from my hair and I turn. A tall, curvy, dark-haired woman gives me a wide smile.

"I'm Izzy," I say. "Brady's new assistant."

"Ah, yes!" she snaps her fingers. "I forgot he said you'd be starting today."

I hug my bag to my chest, wondering why being here makes me feel so uncomfortable. This is Brady's office. His space. His business.

Maybe because everything that used to be Brady's was also Maya's. And learning how to separate who he used to be from who he is now is harder than I expected.

I'm supposed to be here. I'm on his payroll now.

"My name is Angelica Chatsworth, but you can call me Angie," she holds her hand out.

I slip my clammy palm into hers. "You're Brady's college friend."

Angie's brown eyes narrow. "What did he tell you about me?"

Clearing my throat, I say, "Just that you were his business partner."

"That's probably the nicest thing he's ever said about me," she winks at me. "He likes telling everyone about the time I played several rounds of beer pong freshman year and puked my brains out for three days straight."

"He didn't tell me that story," I lick my lips.

"Give it time," she shakes her head. "Come on. Let me show you to your desk."

I follow behind her, my eyes zoning in on her tailored black skirt and white blouse. They fit perfectly. And her black shoes are the ones with the red soles on them. I can't remember the brand, but I know they're expensive.

"Here we are," Angie beams. "Go ahead and get comfortable, then we can go over your daily tasks."

"I set my bag in the chair and cross my arms over my chest, wondering why I feel so...intimidated.

"I'd like to go over them now," I chew on my lip.