I’m going to fuck him tonight.

He’s all mine.

Chapter Two

Axe (Jackson)

Imaybethefirst one out the door, but I hear most of my brothers right behind me. Partly because it’s all three girls that are out and because we literally just fucking talked about having someone or two with Presley at all times until Ben is dealt with.

The entire ride is a blur as my mind swirls with all the possibilities of what could happen. I know that the guys at the club will keep an eye on them. They work for us, and we trust them. But I still don’t like it. Presley can’t protect herself.

She needs to learn. I can’t always feel this way. I need to know that if somethingdidhappen, she could at least defend herself with a knife or small handgun.

Out of all the scenarios running through my head about what I would be walking into, I did not expect this one. I am so enraptured by Presley that I don’t even see the guy coming up to my girl until he touches her hip.

Everything turns red. My eyes narrow, and I rip the knife I keep in my leather jacket out, letting it fly as I head straight towards this mother fucker. The knife slices his ear and he hisses and stumbles back.

Screams break out as I faintly hear Blade hoot, “Oh, fuck yes!” and Rage says something else, but I don’t hear it.

I zone out everything else, not paying attention to all the stumbling drunk idiots that are backing away terrified as I keep pursuing my target. He turns to look at me, his hand touching his ear and coming away bloody. He glares at it and then me before raising his hand in a fist. Before he can even try to hit me, I punch him in the face. His blood splatters on my face as he screams and grabs his nose.

I scoff and punch him again before hitting him twice in the gut, knocking him on his ass. He looks up fearfully and starts scooting away from me on his ass.

A wicked grin comes over my face as I very slowly stalk towards him. His breathing has picked up, and he is panting, his chest rising and falling rapidly as a few tears escape his eyes. He quickly swipes them away and tries to give me an intimidating glare that only manages to make me chuckle and grin even wider.

He drops his hands on the floor at his sides, preparing to stand back up, but I move quicker, placing my booted foot over his left hand. He sucks in a sharp breath, waiting for the pain, but when it doesn’t come, he glances up at me.

“You touched something that didn’t belong to you with this hand.”

I have never been extremely possessive. I think I am more relaxed and laid back, especially compared to my brothers. But I will admit that watching the realization dawn on his pathetic, broken face makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

“I-I was just doing what I was paid to do!” he stammers.

Everything inside me turns to stone, but before I respond, I glance up and notice that the room is clearing out. Rage and Stone are still holding the girls and with a nod from me, they pull them from the room.

Rage says something to Sugar on his way out, and then he walks over to me. “Rage and Stone are takin’ the girls back home; they’re all very wasted. Presley kept talking about wantin’ to fuck you while Raven taunted Stone and Carly kept laughin’.” He chuckles. “I bet that will be a fun car ride home.”

I nod but can’t focus on anything but the fucker in front of me. “He said he was just doing what he was paid to do,” I seethe.

I feel a presence come up next to me. “Well then, looks like we will have to get some answers out of him. Let me help you with that, dear brother.” Blade cackles and holds out six different knives. Where he even keeps them on himself, I have no fucking idea.

I stare down at all the options, scanning them, each one a different shape and size. I pick one of his smaller ones, though it’s still extremely sharp.

“Oh, wonderful pick. That will hurt like a bitch if you want to take a few fingers. He did touch what’s yours, after all.” Blade’s smile grows as the guy on the ground scrambles to protest.

Sugar sighs and walks off to talk with the bartender, Derrek, while we deal with this.

I squat down and gesture to Blade to come around by his head. Blade skips over, whistling like a little kid, and plops down behind the guy who is sitting on the floor crying with wet pants.Gross.

Blade leans in close to his ear, “Boo bitch.” Then he grabs his shoulders and shoves him down onto his back before swinging his leg over his chest, so he is straddling him, basically shoving his ass in the dude’s face. He grabs his arm and pins it down for me.

Blade is a completely different person when he lets himself go to torture people. On a day-to-day basis he is smart, both street and book smart, very responsible, and a huge jokester, but when he gets to be enforcer Blade, he is wild and hard to contain. It’s like two different people sometimes.

I grab his hand and restrain it before taking the knife and swinging it down. It takes a few tries before he loses a finger. And another. And two more. I stare down at the blood everywhere and grin. His screams are annoying as fuck, but seeing the blood makes it worth it. He didn’t deserve to keep his fingers after that, and I can’t find it in myself to feel bad.

Blade dismounts him, and he grips his hand against his chest sobbing bloody murder.

“Start talking,” I demand. “Or I will go to the other hand.”