“He did place both his hands on her hips,” Blade comments, a dangerous gleam in his eyes.

“I was just supposed to dance with her and get her to go outside with me and then the other guy was going to take her. I don’t know who it is or why he wanted her. I didn’t know she belonged to you. I swear,” he cries.

Blade and I glance at each other and then take off outside. I pull my phone out and call Nerds while we search around the building.

I hurriedly speak into the phone once he picks up, “There was someone at the club outside waiting to get Presley. He had some other kid here trying to lure her outside.”

He curses. “I’m getting on the cameras now. Do you think this is whoever is betraying us? They didn’t want to risk stepping into the club?”

“Yeah. That’s what I was thinking,” I retort as I keep looking but find no one. There are no other cars or anything around the building. Coming back to the front, I meet up with Blade and flip the phone to speaker.

“There is no one there that I can see right now,” Nerds sighs. “But I’ll start going back through the footage for the night and see if I can spot them.”

After hanging up with him, we head back inside and find Sugar and Derrek tending to the fucker’s hand.

Sugar glances up and raises a brow. “Well, what are we doin’ with this kid?”

I run a hand through my hair and take a deep breath. I can’t fucking kill him no matter how badly I might want to. He’s just a stupid kid. “Get him to the hospital and make sure he understands that he’s leaving town after tonight.” I squat down next to him. “You have forty-eight hours. If I see you after that, there will be no stopping me.”

The guy whimpers and nods. Sugar immediately takes over with Derrek, telling us to back off while they make sure he doesn’t die before he can get to a hospital. For the most part, we really have turned things around and don’t just randomly hurt people. But if you try to fuck the club over or you touch something you shouldn’t, then all bets are off. More than likely, I could’ve killed him, and Rage wouldn’t have reprimanded me too much for it. But that isn’t me. I didn’t want him dead. I just wanted to make sure that hand never touched Presley again and he isn’t a threat to her.

Speaking of, I need to clean up and get back. Someone needs a serious punishment for this shit tonight. I use the club staff room to clean up before we all head out. Sugar and Derrek take care of the fucker, making sure he stays alive long enough to get to the hospital. They also remind him to keep his mouth shut and do what I asked.

We all leave together and head back home to the club. When we get there, I feel slightly better, but I know I won’t fully calm down until I see Presley, hold her and figure out what the fuck she was thinking. Hopefully she has sobered enough by now to have a conversation tonight before sleeping.

When we get back and head inside, the first thing I see is Raven passed out on the couch with Stone standing in the corner of the room, watching her with a scowl on his face. Carly is sitting at the bar drinking water. I notice she is now wearing Rage’s hoodie that he had on when we went over there. It nearly falls to her knees, so it covers most of her body. That makes me smirk. Someday they will give in and admit their feelings for each other and give whatever is going on between them a chance.

Presley is behind the bar with Rage right next to her. His arms are crossed, and he is frowning at her. Nerds is sitting at the bar in front, but I can only see his back.

I head straight behind the bar, walking up behind Presley. “Angel,” I murmur, and she spins way too fast, stumbling. My hands shoot out and grab her shoulders. She looks up at me with a huge grin. I scan her eyes before saying, “Presley, are you still drunk?”

“More like drunk again. She was sobering up, but then she snuck back here, and we can’t get her to leave. She wants to keep drinking, but she is already pretty wasted, Axe,” Rage says, his brows furrowed.

I sigh. “Alright, angel, let’s stop drinking now. We should get some sleep. You’re going to regret this tomorrow.”

She looks up at me and pushes her lip out in a pout. “Party poopers.”

I bite my lip, trying to hold in a laugh. Carly gets up and comes behind the bar, stepping in front of me. “Babe, you need to sleep. You’re going to wake up tomorrow and regret everything from today.” She takes the bottle of liquor from her hand and steps to the side, nudging Presley towards me. “Go with Axe and get some sleep.”

Presley steps forward and places her hands on my chest. “Oh, I’ll go with Jackson, but we aren’t sleeping,” she says loudly, beaming up at me. I sigh and bend down, grabbing Presley and slinging her over my shoulder. She squeals and grabs my ass.

I grunt, “Presley, leave my ass alone.”

She chuckles and squeezes my ass cheeks, so I slap her on the ass hard as I walk away, hearing the others laughing behind me. “Ouch! That hurt, you fine asshole.”

“Fine asshole? What the fuck, Presley?”

She giggles and swats at my ass. “Asshole, but you have a nice ass, so it’s a fine asshole.”

When we get up to the bedroom, I walk in and lock the door behind me before tossing Presley on the bed. She giggles more and sits up. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

I grab her legs and pull them towards me, undoing her heels. “No. As fucking amazing as you look in this dress, I won’t when you’re this drunk.” Not an effortless task. This tiny ass little silver sequined dress looks fucking amazing on her slightly tanned skin.

She frowns. “That’s not fair. You were looking all hot and possessive in the club and I wanted to fuck you then, but Rage wouldn’t let me. He dragged me out of there.”

I make her sit up and pull the dress off her before putting one of my t-shirts over her head. “Presley, we will talk about all of this tomorrow. Not right now when you’re wasted.”

“I’m not wasted!”