“Are you guys done yet? I want to take another shot!” I yell.Or ten.

They both finish up about the same time and come out. “Impatient much?” Raven snickers. They wash their hands and check over their hair and makeup while I pace behind them, lightly pinching my palm. “Jeez, Pres, what is the deal? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” I give her the biggest smile I can. “Ready?”

She shakes her head but grins. “Yep. Ready, Carly?”

She nods, and we all head back out to the bar. Raven orders since I don’t really know what to get, and Carly doesn’t care what she drinks. Shots and a few other mixed drinks get placed on the bar. Raven signals to a table, and we head over to take our seats. It’s close to the side of the bar, and you can see the entire dance floor plus the main door where you come in from.

We each take a shot, and Carly tells me to try the three mixed drinks and pick which one I like best. I end up picking the cranberry vodka.

“Man, I think I drank too much before we came because my mind is all fuzzy and shit,” Carly says with a giggle.

Raven nods. “Same. I always tell myself not to drink before going out, but you just gotta hype yourself up when you’re getting ready, you know?”

I stare out at the dance floor, watching people dance. They all kind of blur together besides one couple. They are half-fucking each other on the dance floor. I bet if she was wearing a dress and not pants, they would actually be screwing. I chuckle to myself, and both girls glance at me.

“I think Pres is getting drunk drunk now.”

“Pres hasn’t ever been drunk drunk before,” I retort.

“What, really? Not even in school? I thought you went to some parties back then?”

“I did. But there wasn’t ever a lot of alcohol, and Ben didn’t like it if I drank too much of anything. He was controlling. I thought I liked that. Well, I think I do. Just not in the way he was. I like it when Jackson controls me… in bed. Because wow, he makes me drop to my knees so easily.” I look at Carly. “Did you know he has a huge fucking praise kink? The man praises me so much I think I could have an orgasm from his words. Oh, and his piercing. Wow.”

I look back out at the dance floor to see the couple nowhere in sight. Maybe they found a corner to screw in. That would be fun. Now I wish Jackson was here then we could do that. He did like it when I was on his lap last time, which was so hot.

Maybe this time, I could please him. Oh yes, let me be the one to praise him. I giggle at thinking about calling him a good boy.


“What? Jesus, why are you so loud?”

Raven laughs. “We were talking to you. You went on your little ramble and then just got lost in la-la land.”

“Oh, I was thinking about calling Jackson a good boy.” I grin. “Think he’d like that?”

They both start laughing really hard, Carly snorts, which sets us all off even harder.

“We should dance again,” Raven says and stands up, with Carly following suit.

I rise from my seat, but before I take a step to follow them, I grab a shot off the table and toss it back. And the other one that was full too. Then I follow the girls out to the dance floor, and we keep dancing.

‘Hips Don’t Lie’ by Shakira starts playing, and I let out a squeal, grabbing whoever is closest to me, Carly, and spinning her to face away from me. Grabbing her hips, I push against her ass with my body and start singing loudly as I move us together. Carly giggles and dances with me, reaching forward and pulling Raven against her front so we all move together just like earlier.

My mind is completely worry-free and I feel fucking amazing, so when a few guys move in closer, none of us do anything to push them away. One comes up right behind me, and I push in against Carly to put space between the guy behind me and my ass, but he just follows.

His lips brush my ear, and I swear I faintly hear him say, “Maybe I should get a taste first.”

Everything blurs and moves way too fast for me before I find myself being held against someone’s chest with Carly right next to me, also being held by the same person and Raven being pulled back by—is that Blade?—my eyes widen as I focus on him.

He has his arms wrapped around Raven as she giggles and tries to pull away. Blade looks over at me and winks.

Oh fuck. I finally glance back in front of me, where I was just dancing, and see Jackson slowly stalking towards a guy who is scooting away from him on his ass. His face is a bloody mess, and it looks like he peed his pants.

I finally get a good look at Jackson’s face as he turns slightly. He has a huge grin, splattered blood across his cheeks and lips, but it isn’t his. He’s in a t-shirt and jeans and every time he clenches his fists, the veins in his arms pop.

My thighs clench, and I can feel myself getting wet from watching him like this.