Time passes on a loop until I realize they’re actually gone. That I’m naked and alone, unable to get up or do anything.
Tears continue to fall as I cry, unable to stop now. Not sure what I can do but lie here, hoping A finds me. Because no one else will.
Emotions battle inside me, and I go there, to the one place I swore I wouldn’t. To the day I became someone I never imaginedI would be. I bottled it so deep after it happened that I didn’t think it’d ever come out to haunt me. But here, with my own tears, I remember hers.
Because I killed her.
I played their wicked game and I lost.
It’s what they wanted. To break us. To chip away every human thing about us.
Her face is clear in my mind, as though she’s standing right in front of me.
“Why did you do it?”she asks, a bullet in her throat, blood rushing out of the wound like an endless river.
“I’m…I’m so sorry,” I cry, my body trembling as I reach my fingers for hers.
But she’s out of reach.
With her other hand, she removes a gun from her pocket and aims it at my chest.
She laughs at my horrified expression. “Say goodbye, Kayla.”
While I do nothing else but cry.
She pulls the trigger.
And I return to darkness, yet I still see her face.
Our bodies are bare, six of us standing in front of Chad, one of the cleaners who works for the Palermo crime family. And by cleaners, I mean the ones who disposes of us when we’re no longer needed.
Each of us knows that someone is gonna die today. Who? We don’t know. How many? No one knows that either.
“So, ladies…” He grins. “We have a little problem at the club today. Someone poisoned one of our customers. And do you know what happened to him? Hmm?”
He shoves the gun under my jaw, and I shiver, breathing faster, afraid that the bullet will enter me at any moment.
“Do you know what happened?” he asks me, his eyes darkening.
“N-n-no.” I shake my head in a hurry, one arm covering whatever I can of my body.
But it’s no use. They’ve seen it all. Touched and invaded every inch of me. Hiding is useless. They’ll always find me.
He slams the butt of the weapon into my jaw. Pain erupts, and I fall to the ground, large tears welling behind my eyes.
“On your feet, whore!” he bellows so loud, the other girls whimper.
Cammie reaches down for my hand and helps me to my feet. He lets her.
“How about you?” he asks Talon, another girl here with us.
“Is…is he d-dead?” she asks.
“Now, how would you know that?” Chad pops a brow.
“I didn’t, I promise! I j-just assumed since you’re mad.”
He cups her face and strokes it with his knuckles. “Now, aren’t you just smart?”