He mocks her, but her eyes seek for shelter, for warmth. For love. But there’s none of that here. All of it was depleted from our souls so long ago, we don’t know when it’s real and when it isn’t.
“Be my good girl and tell me who did it.”
She sobs, shaking as she looks at Cammie.
No. No, she couldn’t have.
“Her?” he asks.
“I—I’m sorry!” Talon cries. “I’m sorry.”
Cammie’s eyes pop. “No! It was her! She did it! I swear! I’m not stupid!”
He huffs, all dramatic. “Well, we have ourselves a situation, girls,don’t we?”
The whole room explodes in snivels, and I know this is the end. He’s either gonna kill them both or kill one of them, but someone is definitely not coming out alive.
“What do you suggest I do here, girls?” He points the gun at Cammie, and his finger moves over the trigger until she trembles and huddles against me.
My hand curls around the back of her head.
“Shhh,” is all I manage, not knowing what else I can say.
Everything will be okayseems useless, because nothing is okay.
Chad stares at me, his eyes cunning, a wry laugh escaping his ugly mouth. He’s a vile piece of filth, and not much older than me, around twenty-five. Brutal as ever. He doesn’t care who he has to kill. I don’t think he sees us as human beings, or he wouldn’t be doing what he does.
Does he have a mother? A sister? What would he do if this happened to them?
Is Chad even his real name? I think it is. These men are arrogant. They don’t think giving us their actual names will do anything.
“Stand straight!” He wrenches her away from me.
And when he glares at me this time, something devious brews in the sliver of his gaze.
He watches me swallow, and a slow-growing sneer fastens to his mouth. “I have an idea. I’m gonna let one of you decide who killed him. It’ll be fun!”
He walks around the room, chuckling like a sadistic madman, pointing the gun at each of us. This isn’t the first game he’s played. They all play these games to mess with us. Agnelo made Elsie kill a girl when she did something wrong. It was her punishment. So whatever Chad has in store will be just as bad.
“Let’s see, which one of you should have the honor?” He points thegun toward each girl until it lands on me. “You.”
No. Please. No. Not me. I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to kill anyone.
I know that’s what he’ll make me do.
“Who do you think did it?” he asks me, his eyes glistening like this is exciting to him.
“I—I don’t know.” My bottom lip juts out and fat tears roll down my cheeks. “Please…”
“What are you begging me for? You have no idea what I’m even asking for except your opinion.”
Nausea swirls in my gut as he takes a few steps closer until the mint on his breath suffocates my nostrils.
He grips my jaw and pushes the barrel of the weapon into my gut. “Pick one. You get to decide their fate. One of them did it, and it’s either all three of you die or one of them does. And you are the lucky girl who gets to pick the winner.”
“No!” I sob. “I—I c-can’t. I won’t do it. I won’t take a life.”
His fingers deepen into my jaw, and through gritted teeth, he says, “Did I tell you that you had a choice? Because you don’t!”