I’m naked? Oh, God….
My chaotic heartbeats echo in my ears as I continue to fight, even though I know it’s pointless. But I won’t give up. I won’t let them have me without giving them hell. Though I continue to scream, no real sound comes out.
My limbs jolt in a tremor. It’s happening again. They took me. They’re bringing me back.
“No!” I holler, but all that comes out is an unintelligible sound.
“Shut the fuck up,” a man fires, and I try to concentrate on the voice, try to make it out.
But it’s to no avail. My mind is too clouded, but I know deep in my heart that I have heard that voice before.
“Hurry up!” he repeats. “Do it now!”
And that’s when I feel it.
I let out a bloodcurdling wail as I register the sharp, agonizing throbbing in my stomach, like someone is slicing me open.
I wail, unable to move. Something tight is binding my ankles. I’m completely helpless as I shriek, tears leaking out of the edges of my eyes as a monster cuts me.
“A, where are you? Please! I need you. I need you,” I weep and beg and plead for him to hear me.
But he can’t. He doesn’t know what’s being done to me. Who is doing it.
Could be anyone. Could be the Midnight Murderer…
My pulse kicks up. It’s him, isn’t it? He came for me. He’s branding me like the others. Oh, God!
But there are two people here. Who is he working with?
I shriek as another agonizing slice pierces through the cloudy fog in my head. It’s like I’ve been drugged.
“Shh. Don’t worry, this will be over quickly.”
Am I going to die? Will it end this way? The way it began? Taken. Trapped. Unable to fight. Is this my destiny? Was I fooling myself into believing I could take him on? This killer. This monster.
A’s words ring in my head.
He’s not like the others.
He told me to be careful. But the killer found me anyway.
“The drugs are gonna wear off. Hurry up.”
Oh, fuck. They drugged me! That explains why I feel like I’m underwater, as though I drank too much.
The pain, it’s unbearable. Screaming against the gag does nothing but let the monsters win. So I stop, biting down instead, my hands fisting as my heartbeats quicken and my chin trembles. But they won’t have my screams, not anymore.
The brutality lasts for minutes, hours, I don’t know. I’ve lost all sense of time as they carve me up for their pleasure.
“He’ll find you soon enough.”
Does he mean A? Was this about him?
Oh, God, it hurts. It fucking hurts!
But I lie here, screaming inside my head, wanting their blood on my fingertips, wanting their deaths.
The sound of a window opening terrifies me even more. I hope they’re leaving and not taking me with them.