Then the three of them go out to the front porch to talk.

"Now, how did you two hide from the town for so long? Because I haven't heard a peep in town about you two," Willy says.

"Mostly, we haven't left the house. We just told Jenna's parents the other day," Josh says.

"And how did that go?"

"Not good," Josh says, rubbing the spot where my dad punched him.

"I would reckon not," Willy chuckles.

"I know Evan is nothing but rational. He always thinks first, but that there is his little girl. I don't think he's being rational. I think it will take him some time to come around. Just treat her the way she should be treated, and he will see that, and I think that is all it will take," Willy says wisely.

"I wish I had your confidence. My dad... well, I never saw him that way before, and I have seen him angry. The things he said. I never thought I'd hate my father, but it came really close after that phone call," I say, trying not to let the tears fall that fill my eyes.

"There is a real fine line between love and hate. If you didn't love him so much, you wouldn't feel such strong emotions over this. Don't let it go too long before talking to him. Though you might have to make the first move. It's okay to take some time to cool off and regroup, but you don't let Thanksgiving come around before you talk to him, you hear?" Willy says in that stern grandfather's voice.

All I can do is nod because the back of my throat burns, and I'm trying so hard not to cry, just thinking about heading into the holidays without my parents. If we can't work it out by then, I worry we never will, and that would break me. I can't even think what that would do to Josh or what he's trying to do to fix things. I take a deep breath and stop letting myself go down that road.

Josh seems to understand how I'm feeling because he pulls me to his side and holds me close as my brothers come back into the house. They are all wearing smiles, and I know the answer before they even speak.

"We talked, and we have some things to work out, but we'd love to buy Silver Cattle Ranch. And Josh, we would like to take you up on your offer to invest as well," Asher says excitedly.

You can see the pure joy and exhilaration on their faces. This is what they have been working toward. It's in town, they will be my neighbor, and the property is exactly what they wanted. With Josh's help they are finally able to make their dream come true. It’s a win-win.

I jump up and hug them each.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for you guys, and I got to be here to see it all happen! If you guys don't let me help you decorate, I will be so mad!"

Everyone starts talking at once until a loud whistle screams through the air. We all turned to find it had come from Willy.

"How about you boys take the buggy and go do some planning? I will call up my attorney and get the paperwork started. Again, let's keep this under wraps as much as possible until the papers are signed. Also, be warned those land developers won't be too happy, so expect some grumbling from them," Willy says.

"We are going to go on home and let you guys get to planning,” Josh says. “Let me know what you need, and I will be there. I echo Jenna in that I will be mad if you don't let me help any way I can."

After hugs all around, we leave for home.

My brothers will be my neighbors, and they finally get to realize their dream. Now I am living my dream, so all that is left is to get Mom and Dad on board with it all.

Easy, right?

Chapter 25


Today,weareinAmarillo to support Finn at his rodeo. I've been to this before with the family, but today is different. This day, Jenna and I aren't holding anything back, and we’re not keeping us a secret. Her brothers have seen us together, but this is our first official outing, and I know people from town will be here to support Finn, too.

Once I park my truck, I turn to Jenna.

"Are you ready to do this? Be public with us?" I ask, wanting to make sure I'm not pushing her into anything.

"Yes, I am," she says, taking my hand. "Areyousure about this? I'd understand if you want to keep it a secret a bit longer."

"Not only do I not want to keep you a secret, I want to tell everyone you are mine." I tighten my grip on her hand to make my point. Then I cup the back of her neck and pull her in for a kiss.

Getting out of the truck, I go around to her side, opening the door and helping her out. Then, taking her hand, we walk toward the entrance to the rodeo.

"There are my parents," she says and when I look up, they are watching us from the other parking aisle. Looks like they got here at the same time we did. Asher and Zach are with them. Finn has probably been here since daybreak, soaking everything up because he loves the attention and everything that goes with it.