"Hey, I haven't seen you three in a while. Man, you have grown into some heartbreakers, haven't you?" Willy says as he greets them.

"They have, and they know it too. Especially Finn out there riding those damn bulls," I say.

"Well, let me show you around and then we can go in and talk. I got some of those cookies from the diner yesterday before they sold out. Even though I almost ate them all last night, I stopped in time to share them. Let's hop on the buggy here," Willy says.

The buggy is a six-seater all-utility vehicle. We all get on and off we go. He shows us the grounds, and finally ends up at the barn. In the barn’s office, he has a map with the property lines and some overhead views.

"It's perfectly set up to build the two other houses right by the road," Finn says, looking at the map then at me. "There is even room for your own place if things don't work out with Josh."

Josh grunts at that, wrapping his arm around my waist, and pulling me close like he hates even the idea of me leaving.

"I'm not going anywhere," I whisper to him.

"Damn right you aren't," he says, kissing the top of my head.

My brother talks cattle with Willy. I understand most of it, but not everything they are talking about. What I do get is that Willy has slowed down his operation quite significantly because he just can't handle it all. The cows on the property are about a tenth of what the property can hold, and they would be included in the sale.

"How many head of cattle can this place hold at max capacity?" Zach asks.

"Over 218 was the most we had, and I feel like I wouldn't have wanted to go over that. We also have a few people that board their horses here from the city. You add in some horse training like I am hearing Zach here is good at and you should do very well," Willy says.

I remember them talking about horses too, so I know it's something Zach is interested in. We tour the barn, the bunkhouse for the ranch hands, and a few of the pens and outbuildings. Then we head inside and tour the house.

"This place is beautiful," I say, looking around at all the old details that you don't see much anymore.

"My grandfather built this place with the help of his two brothers. That's how the land started with three brothers, so I think it's only right three brothers' take it over," Willy says with a sad smile.

"I don't mean to push, but what about your son?" Asher asks.

"That's a valid question. He has no interest in ranching. He'd rather go out all night partying and getting tattoos. Eric always had eyes for the city and couldn't get out of there fast enough. He kept pressuring me to sell to the land developers when he saw what they were offering. He just wants the money, but it will be a cold day in hell before I let them take over the land. It means more to me to see you three taking it over and loving it as my dad and grandfather did than to get top dollar. It will upset Eric since all he seems to care about is his inheritance, but so be it," Willy says.

"What are your plans when you sell it?" Finn asks.

"Well, I met a nice lady who has retired in Sedona. I reckon I will join her and do some traveling. I wasn't able to do much while running this place, and I'd like to see a few things before I kick the bucket."

"Let's sit at the table. I know the not-so-fun part of the talk is coming," Willy says.

When we follow him to the dining room, he sets out some cookies and a pitcher of sweet tea before he grabs a folder off the counter.

"Let's be honest here. I've looked up what this place is valued at, and it's out of our price range, at least as it stands right now," Asher says.

"I figured as much. But I also did my own research and put together a few things," Willy says, sliding the folder across the table to Asher.

I can't see what is in the folder from here, but Asher's eyes go wide, and Zach and Finn crowd in around him, reading whatever it is.

"Are you serious?" Finn says. “This is less than the land itself is worth. It doesn't include the cattle and horse boarding side of it."

"My granddaddy and his brother bought this place for half its worth. They built it up, and my dad took it on and then me after. My grandad had no illusions that every generation would want to run the land. Ranching is hard work. So, I remember him telling me if I were ever to sell it, I should find someone with love for the land and make them a good deal since our family got a good deal on it."

Asher looks over at Josh. "Are you serious about backing anything we would need? With these numbers, we would only need a little and could pay it back in just a few years."

"One hundred percent serious, whatever you need," Josh says.

"Do you mind if we step outside and talk for a few minutes?" Asher asks.

"Heavens no. You boys take the time you need. I only ask you don't tell anyone I'm thinking of selling. I don't need it getting out just yet," Willy replies.

"We understand. We won't say a word,” Finn says.