We walk toward the entrance hand in hand, quietly, knowing we will run into her parents when we get there. I try to give some of my strength to her because I know this can't be easy for her.

"Hello, Mom and Dad." Jenna greats them like you would a professor you didn't like in school. She then lets go of my hand and hugs Asher and Zach with a smile lighting up her face. We stand there for a moment, her dad not even looking our way.

"Well, it was good to see you," Jenna says, and then takes my hand, and we find some seats. As we walk away, I can hear Asher talking to her parents.

"Is this really how it's going to be? You aren't even going to acknowledge your own daughter?"

"Yeah,” Zach says, “Are you so stuck in your own world that you are missing how truly happy she is and how great he treats her? Would you rather she be with some asshole that beats the shit out of her?"

At Zach’s words, I almost stop in my tracks.

"Don't get involved," Jenna says, tugging on my arm.

We don't get to hear the rest of the conversation as we get in line to get some food and water before taking our seats. We’re close enough to the front to have a good view, but not near enough to get hit by all the dust. Best of all, our spot has a nice amount of shade.

"Good to see you two out and about." Ben sits down on the bleachers beside us. He's one of the cops from Walker Lake and a hobby rancher, at least for now.

"Yeah, we came to support Jenna's brother. She hasn't missed a single local rodeo. We weren't going to start now," I tell him.

"When I stopped in the diner for lunch, Jenna told me a little about what happened. Let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you," I say. His support means a lot. I know many people respect him, and if we have his support, then others will follow. It will just take time.

Finn is in two different events: steer wrestling, where he jumps off a horse to tie down a calf, and, of course, the big one, bull riding. That is a popular event, and they always save it for the end to get everyone to stay for the entire show. While Finn is up for the steer wrestling, Jenna is on her feet, cheering as loudly as she can. Her parents are sitting in the next section over, and when I glance that way, they are watching her, and they are watching me. Let them watch. I have nothing to hide.

Finn gets a near-perfect score, earning him first place, which in this rodeo means he's walking away with about $5,000. Nothing to laugh at.

"Hey, we have some time before the next round. Do you want to go to the restroom and walk around?"

"Yeah, I want to look at some of the booths and get a snack," she says.

"Hey, Ben. Jenna wants to walk around. Will you save our seats?" I ask.

"You got it. Just bring me back water?" He pulls out his wallet.

"Of course, and I got it," I say.

Smiling, he puts his wallet away, thanking me."

We walk the booths, which are geared toward the city people wanting to be cowboys and cowgirls for the weekend. Brand new boots and cowboy hats, marked up with rodeo prices abound, of course. There is a mechanical bull riding tent where those who want to try their hand at the sport congregate. We hit the restrooms first. It's a large row of parapets, and we run into her parents there too. We exchange a simple nod of heads, but nothing else.

While Jenna uses the restroom, I hold her purse and hat and have hand sanitizer ready for when she steps out. She walks out with a smile, then uses the sanitizer before taking her bag. I gently place her hat back on her head, and she smiles up at me like I hung the moon. Once again, I take her hand, and we walk some of the stalls, looking at everything from dreamcatchers to paintings and decor made from only horseshoes.

"A few years ago, at one of these booths, they had a shoe rack made from old horseshoes. I really loved it, but it was too bulky to get home and really, where would I have put it? If we can find something like that again, I think it would be great at your place," she says.

"Our place, sweetheart. It’s our place," I tell her. No matter how long I live, I don't think I will ever forget the look in her eyes when she looks up at me. The love and emotion are clear as day on her face. Without thinking, I plant a kiss on her right there in front of everyone.

When I pull away, the smile on her face is even bigger.

"Let's get some water and go back to our seats," I say.

"I think I want to make a slushie," she says, pointing to a booth. Her wish is my command, so we head over to get her slushie and water for Ben and me before returning to our seats.

We watch a few more events, and I can't seem to keep my hands off her. Either I’m rubbing her back or holding her. She doesn't seem to mind as she melts into my side and rests her head on my shoulder. It all feels so natural, and I love taking care of her. The only downside is every time I glance up, her dad is watching us with a look on his face I can't quite figure out. I’m not sure I even want to.

After a few minutes, Jenna turns to me.

"I think I could use water. That slushie had too much sugar."