“It’s beautiful.” Popi rushed forward and gave them both a big hug. She pulled back, looking at both of them. “I always knew this was going to work out. You both deserve your happily-ever-after.”

“There’s more.” Lea wasn’t sure how Popi was going to take the other news. “Our wedding is going to be the last wedding on the island.”

In a blink, Popi’s expression changed from one of excitement to one of horror. “You’re shutting down the island? You’re giving up?”

Lea felt bad for not phrasing it better. In her excitement, she’d just let the words tumble out. But she knew this island meant almost as much to Popi as it did to her. Infinity Island was home for them. “No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.” Lea turned to Xander. “Do you want to tell her?”

He shook his head. “You’re doing fine.”

Lea’s heart fluttered in her chest as Xander gazed into her eyes. Every time he looked at her that way, her heart swelled with love. She wondered if it would always be that way—even fifty years from now.

Lea turned back to her best friend. “The reason ours will be the last wedding is that while we’re off on an extended honeymoon, the island will be undergoing renovations.”

Popi’s face lit up and then she clapped her hands in delight. “That’s wonderful. This place could really use some help. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”

Lea’s gaze dipped to her friend’s expanding midsection. “I think you’ll have enough to do with your little niece or nephew on the way. Your sister and brother-in-law must be so excited.”

“They are. We all are.” Popi’s gaze lowered. “You know, in the beginning I wasn’t so sure about this whole plan.”

“You certainly hid it well.”

“I didn’t want anything to ruin this for my sister. I kept telling myself that it was nerves.”

“And how do you feel now?”

“Excited. I can’t wait to see my sister with the baby in her arms.”

“Even though you have to go through childbirth.”

“That’s the part I’m trying not to think about. But enough about me. Tell me more about the renovations.”

“We’re relocating Xander’s executive offices to the island.”

“Really?” Popi’s gaze moved to Xander. “And you’re okay with this? Won’t you feel a bit isolated out here?”

“Hey,” Lea said, “are you trying to talk him out of this?”

“No.” The smile slipped from Popi’s face. “Never mind. I didn’t mean anything by the questions.”

“They’re legitimate questions,” Xander said. “And I’m happy to answer them. I would follow Lea wherever she led.”

“You would?” Lea asked.

He turned to her. “I haven’t gotten to this level of success without knowing a good thing when I see it. And so I’m not going to let you slip away. I need you in my life.”

Lea moved to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You do say the sweetest things. And in case you didn’t know, I need you, too.”

His hands wrapped around her waist as she lifted up on her tiptoes to press her lips to his. Her lips had barely touched his when she heard Popi clearing her throat rather loudly. Heat rushed to Lea’s cheeks. With great reluctance, she pulled away from Xander.

“Sorry.” Lea couldn’t believe how easy it was for this man to totally distract her. If this was love, she didn’t ever want it to end.

“Not a problem.” Popi grinned at her. “If I had a man as hot as him, I’d get distracted, too.”

“You will,” Lea said. “I bet he’s just around the corner.”

“Not with this baby on board. A man wouldn’t even think of getting near me.”

“You won’t be pregnant much longer,” Lea said encouragingly. “At least that’s what I keep telling myself as each day my toes seem to get further and further away from me.”

Popi laughed. “Just wait until your third trimester—they disappear from sight.”