“I can do that.” His eyes reflected the truth of his words.

Lea’s heart swelled with hope. This was the second chance that she’d been lying in bed all night hoping for. She couldn’t mess it up. “As for being a family, is that what you still want?”

His gaze met hers. “More than anything else. I know I’ve messed things up more than once, but I’d like a chance to make them right.”

Her heart raced. He was saying all the right things. But there was just one more thing she needed to hear. “And if you could make them right, what would you say?”

His gaze searched hers. “I would say I’m sorry I hurt you. I will do my utmost best to never do that again. And I’m sorry that I put my business ahead of our relationship. That will never happen again.” When she sent him a doubtful look, he added, “I’ve just recently opened my eyes to the fact that I have a very capable number two. He is now on his way to Italy to handle this latest crisis.”

“Really? I mean, you said it was so important. I don’t want you to risk your company—”

“What I was risking was far more important than business.” He reached out and took her hands in his own. “Lea, I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much you mean to me.”

Tears of joy spilled onto her cheeks. “I love you, too. I was just too stubborn to admit it to myself. But my mother helped me to see that I was closing myself off because I was afraid of being hurt again.”

“Your mother? You spoke to her?”

Lea nodded as she squeezed his hands. And then she explained about her mother’s phone dying while they were on a cruise. “And so I have you to thank for talking sense into me and welcoming my parents back into my life.”

“Did you tell them about the baby?”

“I did. And I think my mother cried. Happy tears. They’re even planning to fly here, which I know is a big thing for them as they were banished from the island by my grandparents.”

“Maybe this baby will help bring everyone back together. After all, it worked for us. You are the only woman in the world for me.”

“And you are the only man for me.”

“In that case, I have a proposition for you.” He dropped to one knee. “I know you’ve turned me down before and rightly so. But a lot has changed since then. I’ve learned a lot. I love you, Lea, with all my heart. And I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Will you do me the honor of being my bride?”

Happy tears clouded her eyes. “I would love to be your bride.”

Just then the baby kicked again. Lea took Xander’s hand and pressed it to her abdomen. And then there was another movement. This time Xander’s face lit up when he felt the baby move.

“He or she likes the idea.” When Lea looked at her future husband, she saw that he was a bit misty-eyed, too.

Her heart overflowed with love. The future looked so amazing. There was nothing they couldn’t accomplish—together.


Infinity Island, two weeks later...


Lea was so happy she felt as though she was going to burst. First, Xander had told her that he loved her and then he’d swept her off on a trip to Seattle. He thought the peace she’d made with her parents deserved to be followed up with an in-person visit.

The trip had been amazing. Xander had been amazing. And then he had done something most unexpected: he’d asked her parents for their approval for him to marry their daughter. It might have been done a bit backwards, but it still touched Lea’s heart.

And then atop the Sky Needle, with the sun setting and casting the most glorious streaks of pinks and purples through the sky, Xander had once again got down on one knee. This time he had the biggest, most sparkling diamond ring ever.

Lea remembered how everyone around them had grown quiet. You could have heard a pin drop if it hadn’t been for the loud banging of her heart. It had echoed in her ears. But above it, she had heard Xander claim his love for her.

And now that they were back on Infinity Island, she couldn’t be happier. “He proposed again.” Lea held out her hand for Popi to see her sparkly engagement ring. “We’re really and truly going to be a family.”