“Seriously,” Lea said with a sigh, subduing the banter. “Will you be all right while the island is being renovated? Do you have someplace to go?”

Popi placed a protective hand over her rounded abdomen. “Now that you mention it, I was hoping to take some time off to visit with my sister and her husband. My sister wants to be with me for the birth. So this will work out perfectly.”

“Wonderful.” Lea smiled broadly. “We have so much to look forward to.” And then she turned to the man of her dreams. “It doesn’t get any better than this.”

* * *

Look out for the next story in the Greek Island Brides trilogy

Coming soon!

If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Jennifer Faye

Heiress’s Royal Baby Bombshell

Miss White and the Seventh Heir

Beauty and Her Boss

All available now!

Keep reading for an excerpt from Captivated by the Millionaire by Nina Singh.

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Captivated by the Millionaire

by Nina Singh


HE’D ALWAYS PRIDED himself on being prepared. Overly prepared, in fact. But damned if he’d seen any of this coming.

Jordan Paydan stood in front of the glass wall of his Upper East Side Manhattan penthouse and stared at the paperwork that had just been delivered to him via special messenger. No detail had been left up to chance. Every “i” had been dotted; every “t” had been crossed. A slew of family practice attorneys had made sure to look over each piece of paper.

And now Jordan’s life would never be the same.

His stepmother hadn’t put up any kind of a fight; she’d simply waited for the funds to be transferred into her account. He grunted a laugh at the term. Stepmother. The woman was barely older than his own thirty-one years. She certainly didn’t appear to want to act like a responsible adult. He didn’t know her well at all, but that much about her was as clear as the sky on this bright New York afternoon. Considering the events of the past few months and based on the paperwork he currently held in his hands, his stepmother had no qualms about moving on after his father’s death.

Jordan uttered a small curse and threw the envelope and documents onto the mahogany desk behind him next to the couch.

Nothing to do now but to try and plan for the colossal changes that were about to overtake his very existence. None of which were his own doing in any way. He just had to figure out where exactly to start.


Six months later

JESSALYN RAFFI WAS completely engrossed in the mural she was painting on the wall. It was good. Really good, if she did say so herself. She’d spent most of the day painstakingly drawing and creating a detailed image of a majestic, ancient castle sitting atop a grand mountain. Fat, fluffy clouds floated above its towers. She’d even thrown in a few knights on steeds along its base.

Jess had no doubt the child about to occupy this room as a new resident of this house was going to love it. What child wouldn’t? To be able to walk into your bedroom and feel like you could be transported through time and space into an entirely different reality would seem magical to any youngster. She was certain of it.

As engrossed as she was, she didn’t even hear the front door open and close downstairs; nor did she hear the steady sound of footsteps as someone came up the stairs and approached the open door. It took her a moment to realize that someone now stood right outside in the hallway. So it was no wonder she shrieked as loud as she did when she finally understood she was no longer alone. A strange man stood staring at her. Out of sheer reflex, she threw the wet paintbrush she held directly at his chest like some sort of futile weapon, her aim finding its target straight and center.