That didn’t make Charlie feel any better. She let Eve pull her into the living area where Eve’s mum was watching telly in her reclining chair.

Charlie conjured her politest smile. “Hello, Mrs Artos. Good to see you again.”

“Ah, Charlie. Lovely to see you. I’m afraid you’ll have to come here for a hug, both of you. I apologise for the mess, you never know how much stuff you’ve collected over the years until you try to move.”

A quick hug later, Charlie sat herself down on the couch with Eve only inches away. She wondered whether there should be more distance between them for it to be proper but she decided to take her cues from Eve.

Footsteps came from the hallway and Jack entered with a big plastic box. His gaze locked with Charlie for a brief moment before he continued on.

So he was still not over it.

Charlie found his behaviour frustrating but there was else she could do than give him time to get used to the situation. She was sure that one day, he’d come around to the idea of her and Eve together. Maybe things would get better when Eve started her new job at a nearby estate agency.

The door from the kitchen opened and her boss came out in a flowery apron and a stirring spoon in hand. “Dinner is almost ready!”

It made Charlie smile seeing him like that, it was so different from when he was at the garage.

James Artos paused in front of her, his hands on his hips. “And who might you be, young lady?”

Taken aback, Charlie opened and closed her mouth a few times. “Huh?”

“Now tell me, what are your intentions with my daughter?”

“To love her?” Charlie squeaked out.

Eve let out a scoff. “Stop it, Dad. You’re being weird.”

“I just want what’s best for my baby girl.” He slapped his hand with the wooden spoon a few times. “Charlie, you don’t mind working for your father-in-law, do you?”

“No, I don’t.” Charlie gulped. “Sir.”

James Artos’s hearty laugh filled the room. “Sir, she says. You haven’t called me that since the first day of work. Relax, I’m messing with you. I couldn’t think of a better person to join the family. Heck, you’re already family. Now, do you like pumpkin soup?”

Charlie nodded, still not convinced that she could relax. It was great that she already knew these people but it also meant their approval meant more to her.

“This pumpkin soup is going to be—” James Artos kissed the tips of his fingers. “Delicious.”

He disappeared back into the kitchen and Charlie glanced at Eve, not sure what to make of this version of her boss.

Eve gave her thigh a light squeeze. “You’re doing great. Relax.”

“Yes, we already adore you,” Eve’s mum chimed in. “Now if one of you could give me a hand in getting into my wheelchair, that’d be lovely.”

Charlie jolted into action at the same time as Eve and together, they helped the older woman into her chair. She felt awkward the entire time but accomplished too, especially when Eve gave her an adorable thumbs-up.

Eve’s mum rolled herself to the dinner table, which gave Charlie a moment alone with her fated mate.

“I’m so stressed,” Charlie admitted.

Eve’s laugh clattered through the room, not quite as voluminous as her dad’s. “I can tell, you’re being all jittery and weird. I don’t understand why, you know all of them really well.”

“Yes but that doesn’t mean they think I’m good for you,” Charlie muttered.

“Oh, you’re good for me.” Eve laced her arms over Charlie’s shoulders and pulled her in for a soft kiss. “You’re so good for me.”

Charlie pulled Eve closer, taking advantage of the empty living room. “You think so?”

“I know so,” Eve flirted.