“You will?” Eve asked, her voice cracking slightly. “Does that mean what I think it means?”

Charlie took the other woman’s hands in her own. “You’re my mate.”

“You’re sure?”

“I’ve looked at that pattern every day since I was sixteen, I’m sure,” Charlie said with confidence.

Eve surprised her by practically leaping into her arms and enveloping her in a tight hug that smelled of flowers and promise. Any worries Charlie had melted away as she held Eve close. There was still a lot that they needed to figure out but she believed in fate and Eve that they’d be able to make it work.

She pulled Eve in for a kiss, no longer caring who saw. The time to hide was over.

“This is unbelievable,” Eve whispered, her voice filled with emotion.

“I know, I’m still a little in shock,” Charlie admitted. “We have a lot to talk about.”

“We do. I do have one pressing question.”

“Of course, you do.”

“Exactly where is your bear mark? How intimate are we speaking?” Mischief twinkled in Eve’s eyes. “Is it on your bum?”

Charlie snorted. Of all the questions, this was not what she expected, and yet she should’ve seen it coming. “It’s not on my bum.”

“Aww, that’s disappointing. It’s not on your—”

“No! It’s on my thigh, you perv.” Charlie playfully pinched Eve’s bum. “If you behave, I’ll show you. But in private. I’m not mooning the entire café.”

Something vibrated between them and Charlie reached in her pocket for her phone. The last name she wanted to see sat on top of her notification bar. Jack. She’d forgotten entirely about him until now and it dampened her excitement just a little.

“It’s your brother,” she said.

Eve let out a hum. “Oh.”

“I guess we should make a plan of how we’re going to tell people,” Charlie said.

“We should, but first, we’re going to celebrate being fated,” Eve whispered, her breath a teasing tickle. “Just you and me. We can tell people in our own time.”

Charlie leaned her head against Eve as she let the situation soak in. Her fated mate was right. There was no need to rush. Everything would eventually fall in its rightful place.


Charlie - 1 month later

* * *

Charlie didn’t know why she was so nervous entering the Artos family home. She practically spent all of her time with them, either together or separately. One official family dinner shouldn’t scare her.

And yet, she couldn’t stop herself from worrying.

Eve’s arm slipped around her. “Relax. They love you.”

“I know, but what if they don’t think I’m good enough for their precious little girl? Jack is still a bit weirded out about the whole thing.”

“My dad adores you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’ll name you his heir to the garage,” Eve quipped.

Charlie’s stomach turned into a knot. “I hope not. I think Jack would be very upset about that.”

“It was a joke. Mostly.”