I shook my head immediately. “No, sir. He’s working hard.”

“From what I’ve been told, you have him doing odd jobs.” The smile stretched wider, amused. “Filthy ones, to be precise.”

I grinned widely back, though it probably looked smug to him. I’d been told nothing I ever did was considered warm. “He needs to earn our trust first before he’s allowed clients’ sensitive information.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” His eyebrows dipped in concern. “However, I’m paying him an architect’s salary and we should use his talents.” He cleared his throat. “While I am fully appreciative of his trial period on your team, it’s time we give him some work. Maybe some smaller jobs on one of your projects.”

“Do you think that’s wise, sir?” I asked, not fully ready to give up on making him do the lowest work I could find.

“If he still can’t be trusted, then maybe it’s time to knock down his wages or let him go.” He stroked his chin and stared at me. As much as I didn’t particularly like Wade, I also didn’t want to see him gone yet. We’d only just started to have real fun.

I pursed my mouth. “Some smaller jobs couldn’t hurt.”

“It’s settled, then.” Wick stood and I did as well. “If you have any issues with him or you find he’s still not trustworthy, come to me immediately.”

“Yes, sir.” I gave him a grim smile and took the last comment as a dismissal. Leaving the office, I gave Maurice a simple nod before I headed back to mine.

By the time I’d returned, Wade was already standing near Annie’s desk, his back straight and eyes alert, as though he was ready and willing to do whatever shit task I had for him next.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. “Sawyer, get in my office. I have a new job for you.”

* * *

After work, I went to buy some food from a Chinese takeout spot near my apartment. I got a bit of everything, which was unusual for me because I knew what I enjoyed, but I had no idea what Wade would eat. As much as Ididn’tcare about him, all subs needed to be fed if they were expected to perform like a dog.

I snorted at the thought.

My next stop was at a sex shop. I browsed the merchandise and smirked in triumph when I found what I was looking for. When I got home, it was almost six thirty, so I took a quick shower and washed off the day’s grime. Wade had seemed torn today about getting a new job that involved using his actual degree, but he didn’t argue when I assigned him a Monday deadline. That gave us through the weekend before I either had to ream his ass—and not in a fun way—or admit he did a good job.

I got out of the shower and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and nothing else. I had plans tonight, and the less clothing I had on, the better. After walking toward the gray marble breakfast bar in the kitchen, I grabbed the bag of Chinese food and took mine out before opening the cardboard box. Using the chopsticks they’d provided, I shoved a piece of Kung Pao chicken into my mouth and moaned at the explosion of tastes on my tongue. After chewing and swallowing a few pieces of chicken, I checked my phone.

7:05 p.m.

He was late.

I gritted my teeth and exhaled loudly through my nose. Another minute passed before the video doorbell finally buzzed. Shoulders tight in irritation, I stalked to the front door.

I hit the Answer button and didn’t even acknowledge Callaway before speaking. “Send him up immediately.”

Callaway grimaced on the small screen but nodded. “Yes, sir.” The image went blank again.

Throwing open the door, I narrowed my gaze on the elevator. Eventually, it dinged and slid open. Wade stepped out, then froze at the sight of me. He swallowed visibly, Adam’s apple bouncing, before he took slow steps toward me.


“Get inside—” I threw open the door wider and gestured. “—before I put you over my knee in this hallway and spank your ass red for everyone to see.”

He shuffled past me quickly, and I swatted his ass hard enough to make him hiss. He clutched the contract between his hands, but he had nothing else. Dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a T-shirt, he looked less rigid and professional than last night. A good spanking had helped him loosen up.

Smirking at the thought, I closed the door and strode in front of him, stopping him before he reached the living room. I held out my hand. “Give it to me, Shoelicker.”

He hesitated, and I wasn’t in the mood, so I snatched the contract out of his white-knuckled grip, nearly tearing it in the process. With a huff, I flipped through the document to where his limits should be, only to find it blank except for the N/A that had been there last night. I blinked, then blinked again, prickles of irritation flaring to life inside me.

I raised my chin and glared at him. “Did I not give you an order? Why are you here if you haven’t written your limits in this contract?”

His mouth twitched and he wrung his hands together. “I?—”

“I don’t want excuses, I want answers.” I stalked in closer to him until we were nearly chest to chest and tapped him on the forehead with the contract, making him grimace. “Tell me, my little bitch in heat, why is this not filled out? I told you to do one thing, and there are still no hard limits written on it.”