
He laughed and caressed my jaw, but the sound wasn’t nice, and in the end, he tugged on my lip so hard it hurt. I tasted blood from the split in my lip again. “Never mind.” He tapped his cockhead against my mouth. “Suck.”

This time I attacked, he didn’t thrust, and I treated his cockhead like a piece of candy, rolling it around with my tongue, then sucking it down until I gagged again. He hit the back of my throat once, twice, and then his cock pulsed, and I was choking on the cum rocketing into my mouth. I backed off so I could get the flavor and moaned as I swallowed everything down.Yes, I love this.When he was finished, I placed a small lick at his slit, chasing after the last few drops.

He sat back, and I admired his flushed face and felt proud of the dazed look in his dark eyes. “Get dressed,” he snapped.

Frowning, I glanced down at my hard cock, still sticking up against my belly, then back at his face. Whip fast he shot forward and gripped my jaw between his hands, squeezing until it ached.

“If you touch this—” He slapped my cock against my abs. “—I’ll know. And you don’t have the imagination to dream up the punishment I’ll give you.” He raised his eyebrows and stared directly into my soul.

“Yes, Sir.”

He watched while I pulled up my boxers and suit pants, then buckled my belt. I felt obscene as I struggled to my feet, falling once so that he was forced to grab my arms and haul me upright. I started toward the door.


Albion walked after me and slid the contract into my hands. “Fill it out. Tomorrow night you will bring it to me with limits. I can pick safe words and phrases for you, but you have to fill that out.”

“What if I don’t?” I asked, feeling desperate and high, like I’d snorted cocaine. He leaned forward and stared into my eyes.

“I guess you’ll find out, if you’re brave enough.” He opened the door and shoved me out. I stumbled across the hall and smacked the wall, then slid down until my knees hit the floor. He closed and locked his door, not giving a shit about me at all. I might call him Sir, but I wasn’t someone he cared about.

My lips curled into a smile, and I brought my fingers up to play with the ache in the middle of my bottom one. When I pulled them away, there were drops of blood on my fingertips. But he’d punished me and said I was good. I knew I didn’t deserve more than this. Longing, self-hatred, and most of all a twisted, fucked-up pleasure settled into my chest where it burned bright.

I already knew I would be back tomorrow night and I wouldn’t bother filling out the contract.



Everything was normal at work.I made sure of it.

Wade came in early, eager to please, and I sent him to do the dirtiest work I could find, which meant actually cleaning the toilets this time. To my pleasure, he didn’t protest. There wasn’t an ounce of distaste on his face as he immediately got to the task at hand. I hadn’t missed the peculiar glances I was getting from other staff for what I had Wade doing, but I didn’t care, either. From the start, my mission was to make Wade pay, and if they felt uncomfortable about it, that wasn’t my problem. It wasn’t as though people liked me much to begin with. I’d heard the names I’d been called behind my back—cold, unapproachable, and a prick.

When I received a message around lunchtime that the boss wanted to see me, though, hesitation and concern pinched my brain. Was Wick going to pull the plug on my torture of Wade? I really hoped not. I was enjoying this too much, especially now that he’d come to my apartment.

I made my way to the boss’s office and greeted Maurice, his personal assistant who occupied the shiny black desk in Wick’s outer office. Maurice was a handsome man, with a bearlike body and large black glasses. He was fluffy and damned adorable. He had big brown puppy dog eyes and was the softness to Wick’s sharp edges. I liked him, which was why I’d taken so much offense to Wade helping Xadrian continue his homophobic bullshit. Xadrian hadn’t only personally attacked Wick, he’d gone after Maurice, too, and that was unacceptable.

“Hello, Maurice,” I greeted with the utmost professionalism.

He gave me a wide toothy smile. “Hi, Albion. Mr. Guidry is free. You can go in now.”

I gave him a short nod and headed to the big wooden door, then knocked.

A muffled “enter” came from the other side.

I slid in and closed the door, making my way across the office to Wick’s desk.

He looked up from where he was scratching a pen over a yellow legal pad and gave me a terse smile, gesturing to one of the chairs in front of his large oak desk. Next to his elbow were crullers in a pink box withPosy’ssplashed across the top. I’d heard it was his favorite café. I’d yet to try the pastries, even though some of the others had raved about them. “Please, sit down, Albion.”

I did as ordered. At work was the only place I didn’t mind being told what to do. Wick was the boss, it was simple as that, but the moment I left this building, or in some cases this office, was when I took charge of everything else. “Mr. Guidry, sir.”

My gaze drifted to my left where a massive painting of an old ship filled up most of the wall. I’d never quite understood his love for anything naval, but it was nice, I supposed.

Wick cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair, threading his fingers together. He was a handsome man, too, with big shoulders and a small waist. His dark gray suit fit him perfectly and the blue tie brought out his stormy eyes. He was the only guy I personally knew who could work his silver hair, which was longer on the top. Overall, he wasn’t my type, but he was fucking sexy.

“I think you know why you’re here,” Wick drawled, a touch of a smile curving his mouth. “How is Mr. Sawyer doing? Anything I should be concerned about?”