He chewed on his bottom lip and glanced around nervously. Finally, he muttered something, but even though I was close to him, I couldn’t hear what he’d said.

I gritted my teeth in annoyance. “Speak up,” I snarled.

He bowed his head. “I don’t want to put down hard limits because I don’t want you to back out.”

“Back out?” I echoed, amusement licking at the fiery hunger already burning low in my stomach. “Back out?” This time I laughed after I mimicked him and his weak tone. “You truly are pathetic.”

He shuddered, gaze sneaking up to stare at me with a searing lust.

“You’re a good for nothing piece of shit,” I murmured, watching as shivers racked his body. “I gave you one order, and you couldn’t even follow that because you werescared.”

His eyes watered, and a sick part of me loved every second. I’d never enjoyed tears, but coming from Wade Lee, they were perfect. One lone droplet slipped down his cheek. I grabbed his face, and he didn’t struggle as I leaned forward and used my tongue to trace the line the tear had trekked, the saltiness lingering on my taste buds.

“This is what you’re going to do, Shoelicker. Are you listening?” I whispered against his cheek.

He whined, then gave me a simple nod.

“You are going to write your hard limits. I will not walk away from this because of them, but Iwillif you do not jot them down. It protects both of us, do you understand?” I nipped at the pinkness on his cheek, and he gasped, nodding again, but this time harder.

“Yes, Sir.”

I slammed the contract against his chest and pointed to the glass dining table. “Sit your ass down and write.”

He backed away nervously, shifting his weight between his feet, before he collapsed into one of the chairs with a wince. He grabbed the pen I’d left on the table and sifted through the papers. I watched like a hawk, arms crossed as he came to the section about the hard limits, and to my pleasure, he wrote a couple of things. When he was done, with shaking hands, he passed me back the contract. I flipped through the pages, making sure he’d signed every spot.

When I finally reached the limits, I read the only two he’d written.


Blood play.

“You don’t like bleeding?” I asked, reluctantly curious.

He winced. “I.... Blood scares me.” His voice wobbled as he spoke.

The words piqued my curiosity, but I didn’t question it further. I didn’t care about him, though I did wonder if someone had made him bleed against his consent. “I understand your limits and won’t exceed them.” When I turned the final page, I took note hestillhadn’t written down a safe word to end a scene or a safe phrase to end our agreement. When I glanced back up at him, I raised my eyebrows.

A pink tinge filled his cheeks and he ducked his head. He tugged on a few strands of his golden hair. “I’ve never had a safe word. I’ve never needed one.”

I hummed and leaned over the table. In the section asking for a safe word, I carefully printed something my dad, a man who immigrated from England, always used to say.


Then, in the phrase section I wrote?—

I, Wade Lee Sawyer, no longer wish to continue with this agreement.

I gave the paperwork back to him to read, and as soon as his gaze swept over the words, he let out a breath.

“That’s fine,” he whispered.

My mouth twisted to the side as I walked away from him and into my home office. I went to the printer and made a copy of the documents, then came back afterward, handing it to him. “Keep it someplace safe.”

He chewed on his bottom lip as he glanced down at the document, golden eyelashes fluttering across heated cheeks. “Thank you, Sir.”

“I want to make it clear that I don’t have plans to use condoms each time I fuck you. If I feel like it, I will. If not, I won’t. Do you understand that?” I tried not to glare because I wanted him to fully engage with this discussion.

“Yes, Sir,” he said, fidgeting a little.