A glass of water appears in front of me before Scar can reply. Thank fuck for that. A flash of irritation shone in her eyes while the waitress filled her coffee cup. I couldn’t help but laugh at her.
“Shut your cakehole, you witch. This conversation isn’t over yet.”
“Sure, it is, besides I ran into Lucca yesterday.”
“Oh boy, how was that?”
Just like that topic was switched, she’s so easy to manipulate especially when it comes to gossip. I filled her in on my run in and what happened. I also told her maybe we should’ve talked about him more often and I wouldn’t have been so shocked.
“Don’t beat yourself up. I hardly ever see him or the guys. I’m too busy doing my own thing and my brother makes sure of that.”
“How come? You always hung around them.”
“It was since Lucca’s wife was murdered; Tony didn’t want me to come around as much.” She shrugs. “Rett still hates me for reasons unknown to me, so I stick far away. I don’t need to hear everyone bitch me out.”
Murdered? Jesus, I can’t believe what he would be going through, and his poor daughter being raised without a Mom. Then again, I sorta know what that’s like, except mine died from cancer not dying in the mafia.
“You all right?”
I give her a small smile. “Yeah, I wasn’t expecting to hear that, that’s all.”
“Yeah, it was a horrible time for him. They never did find out who was responsible for her death. That’s all I know. So, be careful, will you? Especially if you are seeing him again”
I can’t imagine having your wife’s killer still out there. How horrible that must be for them. If I know Lucca, he hasn’t stopped looking.
“I’ll be careful don’t worry about me; I don’t know if I want to see him again. Maybe for closure I don’t know Scar.”
“That’s true. Some closure would be a good thing.”
Only one problem. I told him I wouldn’t be doing any of this bullshit.
Things seemed to calm down after our little visit with the Chen brothers. They must have taken my warning seriously because we’ve noticed an incline in sales to the point where we’re going to have another supply delivery soon. That involves a world of trouble and along with it the cops. They’re going to be sniffing around hardcore waiting for me to fuck up and leave a trail. Not like that will ever happen, I’m a stickler for detail.
I’m sitting at my desk when the door bursts open, my father is standing there furious. His jaw clenching fixing me with an angry look. One that could cut me from the inside out if he wanted to. His nostrils flared the closer he comes to me.
“Did you fucking know?” his voice was harsh.
“Know what?”
He slams his hands on my desk. “Don’t fucking toy with me, boy. The Chen brothers that’s what. How long has this been going on and I didn’t know anything about it?”
I understand that he’s the boss and all, and my father. But he’s supposed to stay out of my line of work. This is my business not his. He can’t be going around sticking his nose into my shit. I hate being treated like I’m some toddler who can’t figure out how to wipe his own ass. I lean back in my chair and glare up at him.
“What have you found out, Father? That we were under minded by a gang that thinks we are a bunch of old school bullies that shouldn’t be walking around bossing everyone around anymore?” I said a hint of mockery to my voice. “Or the fact that they wanted to under sell coke and somehow make a profit while getting away with it and make us a laughingstock.” I drummed my fingers on the table waiting for him to say something. “I took matters into my own hand before it got worse. So, you’re fucking welcome for that. Go back to your precious castle already.”
“Do you think this family is a laughingstock boy? Take this seriously. No one will want you as a boss if you talk like this!” he roars.
I snorted. It’s the same old bullshit lecture from him. Do this or no one will take you seriously, do that or everyone will walk all over you. You better rule your soldiers with an iron fist because one day you’ll be their Capo. God forbid something I did. I did it my way. The only thing I had a say in was Rett, Nico, and Antonio. I fought for them to join never giving up on them. We were meant to be together no matter what. I didn’t even have a say in my own fucking wife. I had to marry Bianca to merge the fucking families together. It would benefit Father and Vincent more than anything. I’m pretty sure it was only because Vincent was in trouble at the time. Now he’s stuck with us until he dies.
“I think you should be heading home, Father; I have more important shit to do than have this conversation again.”
“Don’t keep me in the dark again. I don’t enjoy making house calls.” He storms out the door.
I relax a little. He always brings out the worst in me.
The following day is no better. I’m trying to nail down a day for a supply delivery. I feel like I’ve been jumping through hoops lately and I have a nervous feeling about it. Usually, it doesn’t take this long to nail down a date. Either someone is fucking with me or worse. This delivery is supposed to be our largest yet. I’m starting to wonder if the fucking Chen fucks are going around spreading shit again. If they value their life, they will think twice about that. Then another name pops into my head. Seth.
That piece of shit thinks he’s so much better than I am. His little gang is laughable. I thought when I killed his brother he would have disbanded, no he came back with vengeance and tried kidnapping Ada. That was my last straw. Since that day, I’ve vowed to really ruin him. I’ve been doing it slowly, having the chief pin two murders on him will have him coming for me again. It’s only a matter of when. I swear I’ll be ready for him. I’ll gladly add another Atwood brother in hell.