“Still be careful with guys like them. You never know what could happen to you.”

He pushes his glasses up. “Awe, you worried about me, Chuck?”

I burst into laughter. “Chuck, seriously out of all the nicknames in the world you went with that one?” I can’t stop laughing. “I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.”

He laughs too. “Perfect, then that’s what I’m calling you for now on. Besides, when I talk to my buddies, they’ll think I work for a dude and not a hot boss.”

“Wow, okay, so alternative motives. Gotcha.”

“I am a guy. After all, Chuck, I can’t get picked on for working for a woman. Like come on, you’ve seen this.” He waves his hand along his body. I can’t help but laugh, causing him to laugh.

We wipe our eyes and get back to work. I feel so much better than I did and I’m glad I work with such an amazing guy. I can’t imagine working with anyone else that’s for sure.

When I get home that night, I do more digging into Vincent. I know Dad told me to drop him, but something about his account isn’t sitting right and I need to know why. Finding any information on him will be tricky and if I know the mafia, I’ll have to watch where I dig. For starters, I’ll investigate each of his accounts. That seems safe and if anyone questions it’s all a part of my job and no one wants a call from the Canada Revenue Agency about your taxes. I wouldn’t be doing my job now would I.

Logging into my laptop I quickly access his accounts. I find the one that I noticed didn’t add up. Scribbling everything down on my pad of paper, I begin to find a pattern. Almost every two weeks he has more money entering his account, but at the end of the month a massive withdrawal happens. Now I understand he probably has some fake business reporting all this considering he is a fucking mafia boss, but like come on. Make it more believable. Why would you bring all your shit to an accountant in the first place?

How hasn’t this been caught before? Does my boss have no idea who we have as a client? Why would we take on such a well-known mafia boss? That’s the thing that is really bugging me. I know I should stop looking into his shit, but curiosity and all wins. Besides, I have Scarlett in case I need a very good lawyer to get out of this massive pickle jar.

It’s around midnight before I finally shut everything down. I think I narrowed what I need down. I’ll have Oscar do the rest for me come Monday. Crawling into bed I can’t help but overplay my encounter with Lucca. I wonder who he married, what made him choose her over me. Was it because she’s part of his world and I’m not? Does he think I’m too weak? It still irritates me that he never gave me closure. Why am I still so obsessed over the fact that he broke up with me? Jesus, I need to get over myself. I’m beginning to sound like a broken record. I’m starting to hate myself and the only grandchildren Dad is going to get are either cats or dogs at this point. Crazy cat lady here we come.

Scar called and wanted to meet up for brunch, and who am I to say no. Besides, I need to vent to my bestie. I slept like shit. I kept tossing and turning. Maybe it’s finally time for her to fill me in on all things Lucca and I can finally move on. With my mind made up, I walk into the restaurant and find her drinking her coffee, reading something on her phone. No doubt related to her case.

“Don’t you ever have a day off?” I ask, while I sit down.

“God, girl I wish.” She rolls her eyes. “The good guys never sleep, apparently.”

“I won’t even lie; I’ll never understand what you do.”

She takes a sip of her coffee. “Let’s just say if you fuck up, I’ll fight for you tooth and nail.”

“Perfect, I might need you then.”

She raises her eyebrow. “What the fuck did you do?”

I bite my lip. “I might have dug into someone that I shouldn’t have, which I’m positive will come back to bite me in the ass sooner than later.”

“Who?” she demands.

“Um. Vincent Buratti.” I cringe.

She stiffens and stares at me with wide eyes. “Fuck Charlotte.”

I nod, yep that’s the reaction I was expecting, and she hardly ever calls me by my real name, so this is some serious shit. “It’s nothing, it’s only his accounting file. Besides, I’m technically looking out for him. Well, that’s what I’m telling myself.”

She rubs her forehead releasing the breath she was holding. Our waitress arrives before Scar can chew my ass out.

“What can I get you ladies?”

“Pancakes, and I’ll take water as well. Thank you,” I tell her.

She looks over at Scar who is still staring at me. “I’ll do pancakes as well.” She slowly turns towards the waitress and smiles at her.

“I’ll be back with your water, and a refill for your coffee.” With a nod, she walks away.

“Are you fucking serious right now? That’s what you’re telling yourself? Are you stupid or something? If he finds out your literally fucked six ways to Sunday. I don’t know if I can help you.” She shook her head in disbelief.

“Don’t hold back or anything.”