It isn’t hard to find someone that will take the fall for us, I eventually get a date three nights from today. I’ll have to cause a diversion for the detective. He’s getting crafty especially with his time running out on the force. I get that he’s Charlotte’s dad and all, but he ought to calm the fuck down or I’ll deal with him myself. He never found out about the two of us. He knows all about who I am to this city, and he should be more worried of what I could do to him. Yet a certain green-eyed beauty comes to mind, and I don’t think I could hurt her any more than I have.

My phone rings, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Letting out a groan I answer it. “Yes Scarlett.”

“Are you busy at the moment?” she asked, catching her breath.

“Um, I’m at the office. Are you all right?”

I could hear a motorcycle reviving in the background before she spoke. “Yeah, I’m leaving the office and walking to my car. Anyway, I need to see you.”

Now I’m really concerned. She has never wanted to visit or hold a conversation with me ever since high school. Why does she want to start now? “I’ll see you when you get here,” I tell her.

I must have been so far into paperwork I lost track of time, the sound of knocking on my office door tells me Scarlett is here.

“Come in.”

Scarlett walks in looking so out of place, my office is decorated in dark shades. My large desk faces the door with bookcases behind me piled with books. Two chairs are seated in front of me with a couch to the right. The opposite wall is one giant closet that houses my safe. Which I keep all my weapons and extra cash in. Scarlett is the only colourful thing in here right now.

Her blonde hair is cut in a short bob, she’s dressed in a sharp suit with a red blouse under her jacket. She makes one hell of a lawyer that’s for sure. I’m so glad she doesn’t look like Antonio, or this would be really fucking creepy.

“Thanks for seeing me. I didn’t think you wanted to talk to me from our last phone call. Antonio called after and bitched me out. I figured you had something to do with that.”

I shrug. “I won’t lie. It’s my job to keep everyone in line around here.”

“I’ve noticed. My brother pretty much worships you.”

I chuckle. I’m sure he does. “So, what did you need?”

She clears her throat. Rubs her palms on her pants. “Um, so Charlie and I were talking.” She chews the inside of her cheek. “I might have told her a few things about you.”

I stare at her, waiting for her to spit it out. I’m losing my patience by the second. Her gaze fell onto mine.

“We’ve never brought you up in the past eight years. She never wanted to hear anything about you, you fucking broke her. You never told her why, and I don’t think she’s ever gotten over that fact. Don’t get me wrong she’s tried dating, they’ve never lasted long. I don’t know why I’m telling you this.” She runs her hands over her face. “I feel like I’m betraying my best friend.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me about her. Tell me why you’re here.”

She blows out a breath. “I accidentally told her about your wife.” She looks deep into my eyes. “I’m so fucking sorry, Lucca. She needed to know. It’s the only thing I told her. I figured you can tell her the rest. Maybe try to let her finally go.”

She slides a piece of paper towards me, gets up and walks away. I look down at the paper and trace my fingers over the numbers.

Do I want to let her go? After all these years she’s finally come back, I usually don’t believe in second chances, maybe I can make things unbroken between us and make things right. Will she want that with me knowing I’m a part of the mafia? Do I want that life for her? Look what happened to Bianca. I still blame myself for that, I gave Charlie up for a reason though.

With a deep breath, I grab my phone.

Me:Can we talk?

I didn’t think I would be so nervous to text a fucking woman at my age, but here we are. She takes a while to text me back. No surprise with her response.

Charlie:Who is this?


Charlie:Lucca? How did you get my number?

Me:I have my ways. So, can we talk? I have a lot to explain to you.

I don’t expect a reply right away. I’m sure she’s pissed that I have her number. I finish up at the office and start heading home. It’s close to suppertime. I can’t wait to see what Anna and Ada have cooked tonight. More so, dessert, it’s always a guessing game about the creativeness Ada does with her cookies. Who knew we could add icing to chocolate chip cookies? It’s a good thing I have a home gym. As I’m walking into the house, my phone dings.