Charlie:Fine, when?
Me:Tomorrow. Lunch.
Charlie:Yep. Text me the address and I’ll meet you there.
Now that’s settled. I walk into the kitchen and witness complete chaos.
“What the heck happened in here?”
Anna and Ada both freeze mid throw. They are both covered in icing and are now laughing up a storm.
“Hi daddy, we’re having a food fight.” Ada’s entire face is lit up with excitement.
“Hello Lucca.” Anna laughs. “Guess we got busted, Ada,” she said, with a slight laugh.
“I’d say you got busted all right. Who started it?”
They both point at each other. Then say together. “She did.”
“Which one is the adult?” I ask.
Ada laughs. “Oh, that’s Anna. You’re in trouble, girl.” She turns to face Anna.
I rub my eyes. How did I end up with two troublemakers in this house? Seriously. “Go wash up, I’m starving, and I need my Ada cuddles from a clean girl.”
She marches towards the bathroom off the kitchen. I turn to face Anna. Who just laughs at me.
“She is a great kid you know that, right? She makes my job so easy every day.” She goes to the sink and washes her hands before grabbing dishes.
I’m truly blessed that’s for sure. If only she didn’t have to know heartache at such a young age. I’ll do anything for her and sacrifice what needs to be.
“Let’s eat!” Ada yells as she comes barrelling into the kitchen.
I enjoy my night and I look forward to my lunch with Charlie tomorrow. I’m hoping she gives me enough time to explain everything to her without lashing out.
Ever since Scar told me about Lucca’s wife, I couldn’t turn my brain off. Was she murdered from something he did, was it retaliation or did he do it? I would like to think he wouldn’t murder his own wife, but I don’t know him anymore. When I saw him in the park with his daughter, he didn’t look like someone that could kill anyone, which I know is a lie. He’s in the fucking mafia, for Christ’s sakes. So really, he could have killed her. It seems possible. Then what did I do? I go and agree to lunch with him. I must be stupid, that’s gotta be it. I want to call Scar and tell her what I’m doing. Then again, I know what she’ll say. She’ll tell me I should get over him and it’s time to move on. I should leave him in the past where he belongs. If only I knew how.
He sent me a text telling me where to meet him. I’m currently hiding in the washroom at work killing time or am I trying to hide. I’m not even sure anymore. My gut is telling me one thing while my heart is screaming at me that this is it. I’m finally getting what I want. I wish I could listen to my heart, but last time I did it got broken. I won’t risk it again; whatever he tells me this time I pray it ends without damage. I gather myself up and leave, I’ve wasted enough time and last thing I want is for him to be angry that I’m late.
When I walk into the restaurant, I notice how quiet it is. Before I can mention anything, the hostess speaks.
“You must be Charlotte.”
I simply nod at her.
“Follow me please, the gentleman is waiting for you.”
She leads me towards the back of the restaurant, passing empty tables. For being lunchtime, I would’ve expected this place to be packed full of patrons. I begin to feel nervous that it’ll only be Lucca and I here alone. With no witnesses. He could do whatever he wanted too, and no one would see.
“Here you are ma’am, your waitress will be along shortly.”
I sit and finally take notice of Lucca. I’ve been drowning in what ifs that I’ve never noticed him until now. I’m not used to seeing him dressed in a suit. It takes my breath away. He’s far from the teenage boy that I fell in love with, his facial features are more pronounced, his jawbone dusted with dark facial hair. In front of me now is a man that I wanted to spend my life with.
“Hello Charlie, I’m glad you could meet with me.” His deep voice nestling into my veins.
“Hi Lucca. I’m not going to lie. I had second thoughts about coming.” I pick at my nails trying to calm myself. Being near him brings up so much of the past.
“No need to be nervous.”